Roz Marketing - May/June 2022

S H O U T High-five to Amit Chandel for settling his client’s tax debt of $3,677,684 to ZERO! That’s awesome! Kudos to Allan Pearlman for his client receiving a tax refund of $266,937.99, including $37,505.21 in interest. Allan’s three years of work on the case paid off; the client was so thankful that he cried happy tears when he heard the news. Congrats to Victoria Blasiak for negotiating and settling three case debts in one week. The first client’s tax debt was reduced to $100 from $30,000, the second client’s tax debt was reduced to $5,000 from $150,000, and the third client’s debt was reduced to $971 from $179,000. Way to go Sharon Lewis, Tracie Lowe, Linda Nayder, and Brian Brady for giving “10-Minute Share” presentations during our Founder’s Mastermind Meeting. Linda shared that she sends a jar opener with a personalized logo on it in her PTIN mailing. Also thank you to Rhonda Saucedo for giving a short presentation. Rhonda shared that she puts a QR code, which links to a short video about her services, on her marketing materials. Congrats to Rhonda Saucedo, Ross Hitchen, and Joel Gonzalez for retaining their first clients by sending out referral marketing letters. Kudos to Dawn Plagianes and Michael Kadlec , who both have 100% acceptance rates for the Client Care Package (CCP), and to John Behrle , who has only had one client opt out. They received glowing feedback from grateful clients for such great representation and support. Clients even stated that the fee for CCP is inexpensive for service they are receiving in return.

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Your tax business isn’t a cruise line, but your customer list is one of your most valuable assets, too. So, ask yourself, “What am I doing to protect and preserve that list? How am I building a fence around my best customers to make sure they don’t leave me for somebody else?” The answer comes right out of the Crystal Cruises handbook. To keep your clients happy, you need to go above and beyond to provide excellent customer service. That means communicating with your client list regularly, just like we do here at Roz Strategies. You can do this by sending out a monthly print newsletter like the one you’re holding, using email campaigns to announce new services, and sending cards on birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. The more you communicate, the better! Your clients will stay with you if they know you have a vested interest in making sure they are happy and successful. You should educate them and pamper them, just like Crystal Cruises did with us every time we sailed with them. The stronger your relationship is with your client, the less likely they are to leave you — and the more likely they are to pay a premium for your service! If you have a customer-centric business model, you’ll protect, preserve, and grow your company not just for today but for the long term. Then, when you decide to sell your practice, you can watch that hard work come back to you in a big fat paycheck. In the meantime, I’ll keep an eye out for the cruise line that purchases that list, and you can bet that if they’re

Congrats to Ryan Mitchell and his wife Amy on the birth of their son! High-five to Tracy Janssen, Dianne Omokaro, Joe Kent, Elizabeth Holladay, and Miriam Edwards for mailing out your referral letters.

High-five to Melinda Tolbert for passing the EA exam and becoming an Enrolled Agent!

bought by a reputable company, Roslyn and I will be two of the first people back onboard!

–Michael Rozbruch

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