301. FILING AND INDEXING. (1) A study of the handling of pamphlets, clippings, notes, and other non book materials. Indexing of these materials, together with analytical indexing of books and periodicals. Designed for pastors and Christian workers, as well as being a specialized course for Library Science students. 302. BINDING AND REPAIR. (1) A study of binding techniques from the beginning of book making, and of modern bindery practice. Laboratory work in types of repair and binding that can be done with simple equ ipment. 303. CHURCH LIBRARIANSHIP. (1) Deals with the problem of organizing, operating, and publicizing of the church library, including the audio-visual center. Visits to church libraries, and laboratory work. 304. HISTORY OF BOOKS AND PRINTING. (2) A survey of the whole development of writing and writing materials, manuscripts, printed books, typographic forms, and book design and production. 307. INTRODUCTION TO LIBRARY WORK. (2) A basic course for school and institutional library work on the second ary, collegiate, and graduate levels. Parallels Course 312 in some areas. 312. SCHOOL LIBRARIANSHIP. (2) A study of the problems connected with the organ ization and operation of school libraries on the elementary and secondary levels, with labora tory work and reports. 403. CLASSIFICATION AND CATALOGING. (2) A study of the chief systems of classification of knowledge and books, and of subject headings, and extensive work in cataloging in all areas of knowledge, including audio-visual materials. 404. REFERENCE. (2) An extensive study of reader's guidance, reference service, and refer ence works in the various fields of knowledge, with principles of eval uation and selection. 411. BIBLIOGRAPHY. (2) Principles and practice of bibliography, a study of bibliography and general bibliographic tools. 414. SERIAL LITERATURE. (2) A study of non-monographic publications, including periodicals, series, and other types of continuations. Consideration of both bibliographic approach and library cataloging. 417. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. (1) Acquisition , bibliographic control , ca taloging methods, and servicing of the publications of national and state governmental agencies.
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