361, 362 BUSINESS LAW (3, 3) First semester: function of law in our society; the law of contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code. Second semester: laws of agency, partnerships, corporations, creditors, rights, and property. Alternate years, offered l 970-71. 370 CORPORATE FINANCE (3) Problems and methods in securing funds for corporations; nature of sec urities markets. Offered on sufficient demand. 401 RESEARCH (2-3) Methods of modern r esearch in indust ry, with a project designed to encompass individual student interest. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor . 415 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (3) Principl es of organization, authority, responsibility, and accountability; problems of location, risks, merchandising control, levels of management, and human r elations of the business enterprise. Prerequisites: 212, E conomics 202. Alternate years, offered 1970-71. 418 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (3) Organization and role of the personnel department in business; analyzing a nd solving case problems drawn from industry. Alternate yea r s, offered 1969-70. 430 INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Application of psychology in industry and business; se lection and training of employees; factors which influence efficiency. Prerequ isites : 320, Psycholog y 205. Alternate years, offered 1969-70. 437 REAL ESTATE (3) Laws relating to rights and obligations inherent in ownership of real property; how t itle to real property is transferred; homesteads, trust deeds, liens; land descriptions; escrow procedure; title insurance; the real estate broker. Alternate years, offered 1969-70. 443 INVESTMENTS (3) Analysis from a personal viewpoint of various types of securities and other kinds of investments; investment policy and select ion . Prerequisites: 212, Economi cs 202 . Offered on sufficient demand. 450 READING AND CONFERENCE (3) Designed to meet individual student interest in spec iali zed areas; independent study with assigned projects. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor . 464 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Methods, problems, a nd factors involved in launching and operating small mercantile or service businesses. Prerequis ite: 211. Offered on sufficient demand .
201 , 202 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (3, 3) Basic for business majors; principles of economic analysis; economic in stitutions; eco nomic policy. 202 alternate years, offered 1970-71. 345 CURRENT ECONOMIC ISSUES (3) Current events throughout the world; procuring the data, analysis of information, alternative solution s to probl ems, and compa rison of events to enlarge understa nding. P rerequisite: 202 . Alternate years , offere<l 1970-71. 93
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