
Russell High School’s new «revolution» COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUN I TY GREGG CHAMBERLAIN

cycles. A desk cycle is a small pedal device that lets a person seated behind a desk or sitting in a reading chair or on a couch get a bit of exercise pedaling away while still working at their computer or studying a textbook. Gord Zubyck, one of the school’s teachers and coach for the cross-country program, is one of the sponsors and promoters of the desk cycle project. He noted that studies

At Russell High School, the new school slogan is “Russell High Revolution” with emphasis on !tness any time, any where, any how. !e school has added something new to the classrooms for students who want to keep themselves more physically active: desk

Un nouveau programme d’aide à l’emploi pour les jeunes

Les jeunes de Prescott-Russell auront accès à un nouveau programme d’aide à l’emploi, qui sera o"ert par le Centre de services à l’emploi (CSEPR). Le « Programme d’accès à l’emploi pour les jeunes » a été annoncé par le gouver- nement de l’Ontario, la semaine dernière, et vise à aider les jeunes âgés de 15 à 29 ans dans leurs démarches pour trouver un emploi. Selon André Roy, le directeur général du CSEPR, ce programme arrive au bon moment. « La venue de ce programme est tout à fait logique », a déclaréM. Roy. « Notre contexte économique pose de grands dé"s pour la jeunesse ontarienne, incluant celle de Prescott-Russell. Ce nouveau programme

permettra de bien soutenir nos jeunes en leur o$rant les services professionnels de nos conseillers à l’emploi, mais également la participation à des ateliers et des activités préparatoires à l’emploi rémunérés à travers des partenaires sélectionnés. » Les participants auront des formations théoriques, mais aussi pratiques, puisqu’ils pourront être jumelés à un employeur a"n de compléter un stage. Le Centre invite les gens de la région qui se cherchent un emploi à venir le rencontrer pour déterminer les programmes ou services qui répondent le mieux à leurs besoins. Il invite également les employeurs à com- muniquer avec les Agents de développement du Centre pour s’informer.

Hannah Toth works out with a desk cycle while reading in the high school library.

show, with today’s sedentary lifestyle, that most people nowadays average maybe two kilometres worth of “steps” as they go about their normal day-to-day routine of work and home life, compared to “30 kilometres of steps a day” a decade or more ago. Using a desk cycle helps to counter that reduced physical activity, plus the exercise itself helps stimulate the brain to increase the body’s natural production of dopamine, making a desk cycle user more alert and better able to function. “And they’re quiet,” Zubyck said. “You wouldn’t even notice them there.” !e school has purchased several desk cycles andmade themavailable for students who want to use them in class or at the scho- ol library. !ere are only a few of the exer cycles available and not every student uses them but the goal is to at least make them

available and help encourage students to "nd ways to be more physically active. Hannah Toth is one of several Russell High students taking advantage of an exer cycle while she studies at the library or does classroom work. She’s been using an exer cycle, when one is available, since the begin- ning of the new school term. “I "nd that using it really helps calm you down,” Toth said, “and you pay more atten- tion.” !e school has also purchased a number of “standup desks” for students to use in classrooms, as an alternative to sitting for their school work. Zubyck noted that the school curriculum is now geared towards making students more “physically literate” and aware of how good health can mean better study habits. “!ey tend to score better when tested,” he said.

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