King's Business - 1939-09


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1939

into the circle of disciples by means of the impelling words,' “Follow me.” And Philip Immediately pursued Nathanael and brought him to Jesus. Thus we have the delightful picture of the be­ ginning of the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Personal witnessing was the secret of the progress. Christ Himself has said, “Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, find in Samaria, aMd unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). What if we fail! Helps for the Leader I. C alled for a S pecific T ask If Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men, who gave us the right to be satisfied with making fishing tackle or pointing the way to the fish­ ing banks, instead of going ourselves to cast out the net until it is filled? —J. Wilbur Chapman. II. W h ich ? I was once resting in a summer hotel on the shores of Lake Erie. It was very pleasant there. All that we vaca­ tionists did was to eat and sleep and take walks and row on the lake. Op­ posite the hotel was a life-saving sta­ tion, where somebody was always on the lookout for the rocket, and ever ready for the call of distress. At that life-saving station, men also ate and slept, but their business in life was not eating and sleeping. When they could, they went for walks and rowed for pleasure on the lake, but that was not their business. Their great business was the saving of lives in peril. Which are we—life­ saving stations or summer hotels? —A. C. Dixon. III. R ules for S uccess in F ishing Seeking diversion by fishing in the streams of Scotland, a literary man went from the city with patent pole and a complete outfit of the most ex­ pensive kind. After hoursp of effort without even a bite, he came across a country boy with only a switch for a pole and a bent pin for a hook— but he had a long string of fish. “Why is it that I c^n’t catch any?” the man inquired. “Because you don’t keep yourself out of sight,” the boy replied. This is the secret of fishing for men as well as trout. Hold up the cross of Christ. Send the people away talk­ ing about Him, instead of praising you. —The Volunteer. IV. T houghts for S oul -W inners Theodore Cuyler once said concerning the three thousand souls he had re­ ceived into the church during his min­ istry: “I have handled every stone.” T. DeWitt Talmage wisely advised:

“Brethren, do not go fishing for souls' with a crawfish for bait, a log-chain for a line, a weaver’s beam for a pole, and then scream, ‘Bite or be lost forever.’” —Aquilla Webb. OCTOBER 15, 1939 WHAT SHALL WE DO WHEN TROUBLE COMES? J ohn 14:1; 1 P eter 5:6-11 Meditation on the Lesson With the exception, perhaps, of Psalm • 23 and John 3:16, no other passage of the Word of God is loved as much or quoted as often as are these immortal words of our Lord, spoken on the night on which He was betrayed: “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me.” The disciples had just been told of Jesus’ departure which was soon to take place. Their Lord, their Friend, their Teacher and Master, actually was leaving them! Peter wanted to know: Why c a n n o t I follow Thee ? Jesus’ words are fraught with infinite tender­ ness, deepest love, and divine compas­ sion. Oh, that we Christians accepted them today! “Let not your heart be troubled,” the Saviour said. And He gives the reason for absence of anxiety, that is, faith in God. “Ye believe in God,” He said, “believe also in me.” Nothing can trouble the soul which has “homed” itself in God. “I have nothing to do with tomorrow; >My Saviour will make that His care. Should He fill it with trouble and sorrow He’ll help me to suffer and bear. “I have nothing to do with tomorrow; Its burdens, then, why should I share ? Its faith and its grace I can’t borrow, Then why should I borrow Jts care?” Years after the sad night of Christ’s betrayal, Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote these comforting words: “Casting all .your care ipon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). Won­ derful words, “He careth for you” ! A literal translation of this verse is: "It matters to Him about you.” And we are constrained to believe it, for there is proof of it on every hand. For us, suffering is necessary in or­ der to fit ¡us for glory. Christ wants us not merely to submit to, or be re­ signed to the hard things of life, but to accept with joy whatever He plans for His children, remembering that “in ail these things we are more than con­ querors through” our Lord Jesus Christ (cf. Rom. 8:37). Peter puts before us a glorious prospect: “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eter­ nal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you” Cl Pet. 5:10). With such an outcome

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