Keele University - Head of Events and Conferencing


AIM 1 To continue building Keele as a broad-based research-led University of about 13,000 students, recognised internationally for excellence in education, research and enterprise: Maintain a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary and sustainable portfolio.

AIM 3 To deliver international excellence and impact in focused areas of research: Be a centre of world-leading excellence in focused research areas and have an international profile in all disciplines. Provide a supportive environment for all research active staff. Enlarge our Postgraduate Research community. Maximise impact and realise social, economic, health, environmental and cultural benefits of the research we do. Build key research partnerships. AIM 4 To contribute positively to the society, economy, culture, health and well-being of the communities we serve: Develop partnerships with business and industry. Collaborate with local communities, enterprise and the Third Sector. Develop the University as an integrated innovation campus. Increase the number of people who come onto campus for Continuing Professional Development. Provide a supportive environment for Knowledge Exchange. Actively promote the involvement of students Appoint, develop and retain outstanding researchers. Be a top quartile research university in REF 2020.

Support and develop our staff in a culture of innovation in education and research. Grow overall student numbers. Increase the proportion of postgraduate students. Grow and diversify our international student base. Admit outstanding students from all backgrounds. Increase the number of students taught abroad.

AIM 2 Through the Distinctive Keele Curriculum, provide outstanding, discipline-based education and a unique portfolio of personal development opportunities in the context of a sector-leading student experience:

Produce students who will have a positive impact in their communities and are highly employable.

Provide multi-disciplinary opportunities and a personalised learning experience. Be innovative in delivery and approach.

Provide a highly supportive environment and experience for students on all programmes from all backgrounds. Deliver Keele curricula overseas through strong, high quality partnerships. Continue to deliver the highest quality student experience.

and graduates with our collaborations and relationships, in part, through collaboration with the Students’ Union.



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