Keele University - Head of Events and Conferencing

AIM 5 To promote environmental sustainability in all that we do: Continue to improve the environmental sustainability of the University through campus developments, carbon reduction and the impact of University operations. Have world-leading research in environmental sustainability. Educate our students on environmental issues and provide opportunities for them to put strategies into practice. Provide leadership in application and implementation of environmental sustainability. Be sector-leading in environmental education and engagement with business, external organisations and communities. AIM 6 To transform how we work to ensure the University’s development is sustainable and delivers world-leading teaching and research: Maintain financial sustainability and build revenue reserves. Develop the estate to meet the future education, research, academic and social needs of the University in the medium and longer term. Strengthen the University’s reputation and the Keele brand. Further develop a collegial and creative working culture to promote success, efficient services and a sense of inclusivity and shared ownership. Provide staff and students with excellent, innovative and reliable information technology and resources.



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