Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201611-201612

Is your business fed by a constant stream? THRIVING STAGNANT or

Imagine a gorgeous mountain lake. Fed by a mountain stream, the lake is deep and cool, teeming with fish of all sizes. Majestic pines filled with birdsong ring the lake. There are wildflowers in bloom. All kinds of wildlife make their homes in the sun-dappled undergrowth.

While the lake is the focal point of this thriving environment, what feeds the lake is the most important component—a fresh stream trickles over rocks, travelling miles and miles, feeding the lake. Without a constant stream of fresh water, the lake would become stagnant.

20 calls a week is your mountain stream. Streams are fed by snowmelt at the headwaters—your contact list.

Daily attention to your contact list creates the stream that will feed the lake.

20 calls

A single rush of water will not maintain the lake. It needs to be constantly fed by even a small stream.

4 appointments

2 Overviews

Fresh water is necessary for the environment to thrive. Without a constant stream, the lake becomes toxic to the life it should sustain.

1 enrolment

8 enrolments

“ You never know what your team members are going to do. There were two people we helped develop to nearly Senior Director who just stopped. I have never gotten frustrated with that—we’re just helping people with their goals and they are a volunteer army. If you want a thriving business, then you always need to be reaching out, making calls, and finding new customers. ” — North American Executive Directors 9 Missy and Anthony Markiewicz

1 Director*


*Statistical averages. Results vary on an individual basis.


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