Shawati' Issue 64

64 å/°

Shawati’ 64



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Exploring all the senses, the Bentley team took on a multisensory perspective for the Azure’s interiors, designing not solely for the senses of vision, hearing, touch and smell, but also for the position of our bodies [proprioception], gravity and acceleration [vestibular], temperature and even the body’s internal sensation [interoception], adopting a science-meets- design approach. For example, a vehicle acoustic engineer might previously have focused on the elimination of noise, vibration and harshness – fields in which Bentley has always excelled – but what matters for the Azure family is also the quality of sound and entering into a personalised environment in retreat from the outside world. Maria Mulder, Head of Colour & Trim at Bentley Motors, comments: “To create the Azure range, we consulted with neuroscientists to understand the interrelationship of colour, texture, tactility and even scent to create an atmosphere of relaxed serenity. When we see pleasing forms, shapes and colours, our brains release chemicals such as dopamine that not only make us feel good, but are good for our body and sense of well-being. Sensory receptors convert physical stimuli in neural activity, creating changes in our brain and nervous system. Every fabric, sound, motion, colour and touch continuously impacts our nervous system, and the Azure cabin has been finessed accordingly.” The result is a car that feels like a sanctuary of serenity thanks to its holistic approach to wellness, creating just the right environment for occupants to feel calmer and less stressed upon arrival than when they had set off.

Cruising in this grand tourer is a special experience as ride comfort is prioritised, especially in the Azure variant. Purpose- designed for well-being behind the wheel, it was developed with the help of wellness experts and neuroscientists. While the Speed range focuses on performance, the Azure family was introduced to ensure a smooth ride over long distances. Everything has been imagined to reduce fatigue and stress. Advanced driver assistance technologies like Adaptive Cruise Control, Lane Assist, Traffic Assist and Bentley Safeguard ensure that the onboard radar and camera systems constantly monitor the surrounding traffic and roads and can intervene if necessary to prevent accidents. As seating is fundamental for driving comfort and control, the 22-way adjustable seat allowed me to find my optimum seating position before treating myself to the Wave massage function that facilitates continuous micro-adjustments in muscle and posture. Neuroscientist Katherine Templar-Lewis, who has researched the external factors that influence stress, was roped in to help the Azure development team define Bentley’s “well-being behind the wheel” concept. Taking into account light, the patterns we see around us, in-car posture and thermal comfort, her research accompanied Bentley’s own measurements to offer a science-based analysis on how to provide the most peaceful experience for a driver or passenger travelling in a Bentley. Considering rider comfort, noise, vibration and harshness affecting onboard wellness, research tracking thousands of people over a four-year period discovered that those exposed to traffic noise over 70 decibels were 65 per cent more at risk of depression. As the lead car of the Azure variant, the Bentayga Extended Wheel Base [EWB] proved it was quieter inside by between 4 per cent and 26 per cent compared with its competitors, depending on the frequency and position inside the car. The Bentayga EWB also demonstrated that it has up to 27 per cent lower secondary ride vibration than its rivals at typical road speeds and in the crucial frequency range of 5 Hz to 20 Hz because the smoother the ride, the more calming the journey.

[T-B] Bentley Continental GTC V8 Apple Green. © Bentley Motors

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Bentley Continental GTC V8 Apple Green. © Bentley Motors

Bentley Continental GTC V8 Apple Green. © Bentley Motors

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