Shawati' Issue 64

64 å/°

Shawati’ 64



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aligns with the broader objective of enhancing the archives sector ’ s capabilities in the region. With the rise of the cloud, big data, and misinformation, and with data privacy laws getting stricter, the archiving landscape seems more complex than ever. In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges facing the archival profession today? The first challenge is the preservation of metadata and mega- data which the government institutions are producing, and how to keep this data well-preserved for a long time, especially when it comes to emails and social media. If we want to preserve all this content, it will take a lot of space – tens of terabytes to keep all these records. These challenges are facing archival institutions around the world. The UAE National Library and Archives has some of the most advanced technologies among archives internationally, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence and long- term digital preservation of documents. We are now using Piql, which is a non-hackable, immutable, and permanent data storage technology that will be replacing microfilms. Microfilms have a lifespan of 200 years for the preservation of digital archives, but Piql has a lifespan of 2,000 years. It also has unique functions such as the storage of video and audio files and documents on a very small magnetic tape that requires minimal space. We showcased all these

Opening event of the ICA Congress Abu Dhabi 2023. © UAE National Library and Archives

developments at the exhibition, where we hosted archives and companies. The second challenge facing the archival profession relates to establishment of trust in historical records. Born-digital documents can be altered easily, whereas in the old days, we had hand-written or typed records, which were difficult to change once preserved on microfilm. Accessibility is another issue; we want people to have access to records, but once an entire file is available online, there could be privacy issues and a greater risk of hacking. We dealth with all these challenges at the ICA Congress Abu Dhabi. The UAE National Library and Archives has some of the most advanced technologies among archives internationally, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence and long- term digital preservation of documents. We are now using Piql, which is a non-hackable, immutable, and permanent data storage technology that will be replacing microfilms. Microfilms have a lifespan of 200 years for the preservation of digital archives, but Piql has a lifespan of 2,000 years . HE Dr Abdulla Al Raisi


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José Kerbes, President of ICA, during her speech at the opening ceremony of the ICA Congress Abu Dhabi 2023. ©UAE National Library and Archives

Ibtesam Al Zaabi, Azza Al Kaabi, Ayesha Al Mahmoud, Farhan Al Marzooqi, Dr Abdulla Al Raisi, Fatema Al Nokhada. © UAE National Library and Archives

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