
Options offered for library fund surplus ACTUALITÉ • NEWS

Library Service’s 2013 municipal budget al- lotment. A more detailed report to con!rm both the surplus and its !nal amount along with recommendations for handling it was promised when council resumed sitting in August. The library budget surplus is now con- !rmed at $45,719. Most of the surplus is the result of unspent expense monies during last year’s operations period for the library service and some extra unaccounted rev- enue coming in after the original budget process.

council to consider for dealing with the cur- rent surplus. One is to just transfer it into the existing library reserve fund. Another is to use it to cover the increase in capital expenses for the library service this year and so reduce the municipal con- tribution. The third option is to split the surplus between the library reserve and the township asset replacement reserve. The report also recommended council consider creating a working fund reserve for the library service, with the fund’s mini- mum amount capped at $15,000. Also the report suggested creating a new asset re- placement reserve for the library service. Council will review and decide on the re- port’s recommendations at a future session.


EMBRUN |Trying to decide how to deal with a surplus funding situation makes a pleasant change of pace for Russell Town- ship council members. Before taking their summer break, coun- cil members received and reviewed a pre- liminary !nance department report about a possible surplus in the Russell Township

Photo Candice Vetter

The report also noted that during the past four-year budget period, the township’s annual contribution to the library service has increased from $468,705 in 2011 to $591,382 in 2014. The report presented three options for

Venez célébrer avec nous LE JEUDI 28 AOÛT, DE 9h à 21h, DU GÂTEAU SERA SERVI. Election candidate training workshop Mid-September is the deadline for anyone interested in running in this year’s civic elections to sign up. Potential candidates in Prescott-Russell communities, both in- cumbents planning to run for re-election and newcomers, are invited to attend one of free municipal candidate information sessions that the Ministry of Municipal A"airs and Housing is organizing in the region. Two sessions are scheduled, one in French on August 27, and the other in English Aug. 28. Both are at 6:30 p.m. They are located in the Russell Township municipal o#ce in Embrun, the City of Clarence-Rockland council chambers in Clarence Creek, and the Town of Hawkesbury council chambers. Anyone unable to attend any of these sessions in person may still take part through a webcast presentation at The sessions are open to candidates for councillor, mayor, and school district trustee posts in all eight municipalities within Prescott-Russell. The meetings are for information purposes on the roles of successful candidates to these positions, not political debates. 6 D’ENTRE NOUS CÉLÉBRONS NOTRE ANNIVERSAIRE EN AOÛT C’est donc l’occasion pour vous faire un cadeau. Vous pouvez acheter un accessoire de décoration

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