for your ministry only. Any tracts or material needed for your own personal use should be purchased at the Bookstore Café. Occasionally, material is donated to the Ministries Department and is available in the Ministries Department or at the Student Services Desk.
V. MINISTRIES AVAILABLE Unless on a ministry that required tryouts, first year students will be assigned a ministry team for the fall and take part in Snowcamp in the winter. First year students may join a second year ministry team in the spring, if space is available. The following are some of the ministries available: A. Word of Life Evangelism Ministries Every first-year student will have the opportunity to do open air evangelism in New York City. Students will receive training on how to personally share their faith and then be given hands-on opportunity to make it practical. This ministry goes directly onto the streets to reach the unsaved on the very grounds where they work and live. Students will be on the streets witnessing and helping churches in the area to reach out to their neighbors who need Christ. You will learn how to win souls using a variety of methods that have been time-proven. The leadership of this ministry are men and women who are experienced with open air work and have a passion for winning the lost. The students will go to the New York City metropolitan area and present the gospel in public places under the direction of a Word of Life staff member. The effective tools of the Word of Life Evangelism Ministries are surveys, sketchboards, tract distribution and counseling.
First and Second-year students will have the opportunity to be a part of a team in the fall to do a few weekends of Word of Life Evangelism Ministries.
B. Sports Ministry The sports ministry has an incredible opportunity for discipleship and evangelism through the avenue of sports. This ministry is available for those students who have special abilities in the area of athletics. Tryouts are necessary to select the students who will form the teams that represent Word of Life Bible Institute. A bulk of our games will be played against the secular colleges in the area. Along with the scheduled games that compose the athletic season, there is the opportunity to participate in running various high school tournaments that are held on our campus. These tournaments give our athletes the opportunity to referee, keep score and even have one-on- one input into the lives of the high school athletes who attend. Another opportunity for some of our players is that of going into prisons at various times to play the inmates and have a chance to witness and disciple in this field of evangelism. Sports Offered: 1. Men’s Basketball 2. Women’s Basketball 3. Men’s Soccer
4. Women’s Volleyball 5. Women’s Soccer 6. Women’s Softball 7. Cross Country
Requirements – The student desiring to be in the sports ministry must first try out for the team. Once on the team, you will have to maintain an acceptable Grade Point Average (GPA) as determined by the Word of Life Bible Institute Administration throughout the athletic season. Men’s and women’s soccer and women’s volleyball take place in the fall, men’s and women’s basketball in the winter, and women’s softball in the spring. During the winter season, all men’s and women’s sports teams will be involved in Snowcamp. The cost for warm-ups and uniforms is $250. Students may keep their warm-ups. Specific expectations for student-athletes will be communicated with them upon their selection to a team.
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