VI. SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS A unique aspect of the Ministries Department is the area of service assignments. Service assignments provide each student the opportunity to develop teamwork, a godly work ethic, and hands-on training in various areas. Service assignments cover every area from maintenance to housekeeping and from food service to administration. Each individual student is key in ensuring the operation of the Bible Institute as a whole. Word of Life is committed to the evangelism and discipleship of youth. Manthano , a derivative of the Greek, means “to learn by putting what one learns into experience.” Perhaps one of the greatest lessons we teach others is not so much in what we do but in how we do it.
There are two types of service assignments that are scheduled throughout the year: regular service assignments and Sunday service assignments. Here is a specific definition of each:
Regular Service Assignment – This is the 6-8 hour-per-week assignment that each student is expected to fulfill during the academic year. This assignment has been determined in part by the survey that was filled out by the student as well as the student’s assigned ministry and by the needs of the Bible Institute. Ministry Team Assignments (MTA) – Regular service assignments do not always cover every need on campus during the weekends. Because of this, each student can expect to serve on campus with their ministry team through Ministry Team Assignments (MTA’s) on a few weekends over the course of each semester. Listed on the “Master Ministry Schedule,” these assignments are communicated at the beginning of each semester with specific details provided as the MTA draws closer. Over the course of the assigned weekend, a specific assignment can fall on any day, though Sunday is the most common. As this schedule is subject to change, every student is responsible for regularly checking their email for their assignment. A. Absence/Late – Ministry assignments scheduled by the Ministries Department serve as valid excused absences. Staff appointments are not considered valid reasons and should be scheduled around service assignments. B. Breakfast Service Assignments – Those working breakfasts must come prepared to go to class immediately after being dismissed from the service assignment (i.e., bring a change of clothes to work). Students are not allowed to be late for class or chapel in order to change. C. Lunch Service Assignments – Students working lunch food service assignments Tuesday through Friday will be dismissed first from class and are required to report for work directly after dismissal. No student is allowed to return to the dorm to change for work; therefore, a change of clothes, if desired, should be taken to class. Students may change in the restroom facilities in the WC or the BSLC. D. Special Permissions – Special permissions do not excuse a student from a service assignment. A student with a service assignment that is scheduled during special permission will need to arrange with another student to trade shifts within the same work week by submitting a completed Temporary Service Assignment Switch Form. These forms can be picked up at the Student Services Desk and must be turned in 48 hours before the first affected shift. When reporting to work for another student, sign in under their name on the timesheet. E. Changes/Notifications – During the school year we may need to facilitate special events and schedule changes; therefore, rearrangement of student service assignments will be necessary. Students should be alert to notification via Canvas as well as be attentive to class announcements which will take precedence over the regular service assignment schedule.
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