Christ’s College Uniform Shop
General Information
Available at the Christ’s College Uniform Shop New uniform The uniform shop is the sole supplier of all Christ’s College uniform items. Second hand uniform Second hand blazers, trousers and jerseys are available. All are in clean and tidy condition. Sports uniform The PE and House sports clothing, plus all team sport uniforms are sold at the uniform shop. Stationery All school stationery requirements are available at the shop. This includes exercise books, pads, pens, as well as scientific calculators, computer flash drives etc. When a boy starts in Year 9, he will receive a stationery pack with all items required for the year. For Years 10–13, stationery lists can be accessed in the link below where parents make their own purchases. Orders are placed through OfficeMax.
10 Gloucester Street, Christchurch Phone: 03 364 8613 Email: Shop Manager: Craig Moffatt Shop Hours Refer to the College website, under Uniform Shop. Payment Options • Electronic payments only – EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard • Once a boy has started at College, he may charge items to his school account.
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Supplies and Fittings
UNIFORM FITTINGS FOR NEW ENTRANTS The Uniform Shop offers one hour
General Supplies • Backpacks/sports bags • Beanies/caps/hats
appointments for fitting and purchase of a new entrant uniform. Please phone or email to arrange a time prior to visiting. Phone: 03 364 8613 Email: MADE TO MEASURE SUITS If your son is unlikely to fit a standard size blazer or trousers, his uniform can be made individually. Orders need to be submitted by the beginning of November , and additional costs may apply.
• Drink bottles • Mouth guards • Rugby headgear & shoulder pads • Scarf • Supporter’s jersey
• Thermals • Toiletries • Underwear
Name Labels
House Abbreviations Condell’s C Corfe Cf Flower’s F Harper H Jacobs Ja Julius J Richards R Rolleston Ro School S Somes So
All articles of clothing must be named. We will order your son’s name labels for you, and they will be available to purchase at the time of your uniform fitting. Name tapes, either printed or woven, are to have initials, surname and House abbreviations as follows: eg. AB SMITH Ro (Ro = Rolleston House) For boarders, this includes naming of mufti, towels and underwear. A minimum of 50 additional name labels are to be given to the House Matron. Name labels are to be sewn on as follows: • Back of neck on blazers, jerseys, shirts and tops • Back of waistband on trousers and shorts • Centre back of ties • Centre front on outside of underpants, below waistband • Top of socks • Outside of duvet cover at opening end (boarders) • Top right hand corner of towels (boarders)
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Clothing Lists
Dayboy Clothing List 1 Formal suit 1 Striped blazer (junior blazer Years 9-11, senior blazer years 12 & 13) 1 Formal trousers – dark grey (this is additional to the pair supplied with the formal suit) 2 Pair black walk shorts 1 Black jersey 4 White shirts – pointed collar 2 School ties 5 Pairs black socks 1 Hoodie 1 College trackpant
Boarder Clothing List 1 Formal suit 1 Striped blazer (junior blazer Years 9-11, senior blazer years 12 & 13) 1 Formal trousers – dark grey (this is additional to the pair supplied with the formal suit) 2 Pair black walk shorts 1 Black jersey 6 White shirts - pointed collar 2 School ties 6 Pairs black socks 1 Hoodie 1 College trackpant
1 House singlet 1 House jersey
1 House singlet 1 House jersey
1 Pair black House shorts 1 Pair black swim shorts 1 Black leather belt with conventional buckle 1 Pair black leather shoes (conventional style street shoes) 1 Pair sports shoes 1 College branded black waterproof jacket Bicycle Every boy is encouraged to have a bicycle for use at College, with a front and rear light and a lock. Cycle helmets are compulsory.
1 Pair black House shorts 1 Pair black swim shorts 1 Black leather belt with conventional buckle 1 Pair black leather shoes (conventional style street shoes) 1 Pair sports shoes 1 College branded black waterproof jacket 2 Wash bags Additional requirements for boarders 2 White cotton or polyprop singlets/tops 6 Pair of underpants 3 Sets of sleepwear 1 Pair jandals/slides Mufti – 2 sets (named) 8 Coat hangers (named) 4 Large towels (named & matching if possible) 1 Swimming towel Toiletries Duvet inner & 2 duvet covers Tuck box (optional) maximum size 30 x 30 x 35cm Cup and microwave container 1 Torch
Hair guidelines
Please ensure that all boys return to school clean-shaven and with the appropriate haircuts and hair lengths.
Hair must be neat and tidy, regularly washed, and brushed or combed for school. A fringe cannot hang in front of the eyebrows.
A fringe cannot be hooked behind the ears.
Boys must be clean-shaven at all times, with no stubble or a moustache.
A fringe cannot fall in front of the eyes.
Hair must be natural in colour.
Hair on the side cannot be shaved less than a ‘3’. Hair on the side must be graduated with the rest of the hair, with no line cuts on the side. There must be no significant contrast in the length overall.
Sideburns cannot be longer than the middle of the ear.
Hair cannot be excessively thick and ‘large’ in appearance.
The overall length must be ‘3’ or above. Hairstyles cannot be extreme or exaggerated, e.g. no mullets or shaved sections.
Hair needs to be above the collar at all times.
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Uniform Styles
IMPORTANT: • Shorts are only worn in the summer • Longs can be worn in the winter or summer • Blazers must be worn outside of the school gates • Shirts must be tucked in at all times • Shoes must be nuggeted regularly • Hoodies are part of the sports uniform (shorts and trackpants) and should not be worn under the blazer. Stripes Blazer (Senior/Junior) Also known as summer uniform when worn with shorts.
Formal Suit The Formal Suit is worn on Monday and Friday during Terms 2 and 3 and for Sunday Chapel services. Stripes Blazer The Stripes Blazer is worn on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during Terms 2 and 3, and every day during summer. Boys can choose to wear either longs or shorts (summer) with their blazer.
Formal Suit
Stripes Blazer (Senior)
Stripes Blazer (Junior)
Uniform Price List
Clothing Blazer – black and white striped Formal jacket – dark grey Formal trousers – dark grey
Trackpants House jersey House singlet House shorts Swim shorts
$90 $135 $80 $50
$350 $270 $130
Walk shorts – black
$65 $85
Jersey – V neck
Black sports hoodie College branded black
White shirt – pointed collar Black Socks (per pack) Tie – black and white striped
$40 $17 $37 $35
waterproof jacket Ie Faitaga (An order is required)
Belt – black leather
Stripes Blazer (Summer Uniform)
College branded black waterproof Jacket
College Hoodie and Trackpants
Ie faitaga – a more formal version of the lava-lava – can be worn by Pasifika students in place of their grey trousers throughout the year
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