

Are You Interested in an M.D. Who Treats The Person, Not The Disease?

Foods For The Face... ...continued from page 45

plenish supplies to help to protect the skin’s outer layer. Look for recipes that include wheat germ, brown rice, spinach and beets. 6. Add more Antioxidants. Too much time out in the sun is a leading cause of aging. The sun creates IUHH UDGLFDOV WKDW FDQ SHUPDQHQWO\ NLOO R̆  KHDOWK\ VNLQ FHOOV 7KLV OHDGV WR blemishes, wrinkles, age spots, discoloration, and skin cancer as its most se- rious consequence. Yet the sun is not the only culprit— an unhealthy diet can do the same. Load up on tomatoes, carrots, kale and pumpkin. These brightly colored, antioxidant-rich foods contain carotenoids that can protect the skin and reverse some of the sun’s damage. 2̆ VHWVDOWZLWK3RWDVVLXPULFKIRRGV ,I\RXKDYHGDUNFLUFOHVXQGHU\RXUH\HVLW¶VSUREDEO\JHQHWLFEXWWKH\FDQ DOVREHFDXVHGE\ZDWHUUHWHQWLRQRUVRGLXPULFKIRRGV0DQ\IUXLWVDQGYHJ - HWDEOHVDVZHOODVSRWDWRHVQXWVEHDQVOHJXPHVPHDWSRXOWU\DQG¿VKDUH SRWDVVLXPULFKDQGFDQEDODQFHRXWWKHVRGLXP,QJHQHUDOFXWWLQJGRZQRQ your salt intake is a wise choice for your skin and your overall health. 8. Drink Rooibos tea. $VDQDOWHUQDWLYHWRFR̆ HHZKLFKFDQGHK\GUDWH\RXUVNLQWU\5RRLERVWHD This reddish-brown herbal tea is particularly high in polyphenols that help hy- GUDWHDQGSURWHFWWKHVNLQIURPSUHPDWXUHDJLQJ,W¶VDOVRNQRZQDV³$IULFDQ red tea” or “red bush tea”. 9. Promote digestion with fermented foods. 2̆ VHWWKHULFKIDWW\IRRGVDQGELQJHHDWLQJWHQGHQFLHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKH holidays by putting good bacteria back into the gut with probiotics, which help UHJXODWHGLJHVWLRQDQGDOVRKHOSVNLQORRNKHDOWK\6DXHUNUDXWNLPFKLNH¿U 5HPHPEHULQJWRGULQNZDWHULVVRPXFKHDVLHULQWKHZDUPHUPRQWKVZKHQ ZHDUHKRWWKLUVW\DQGQHHGLQJUHIUHVKPHQWDIWHUEHLQJDFWLYH%XWGHK\GUD - tion can happen in cold weather months as well, mostly from being in dry, overheated rooms, from increased intake of alcoholic beverages especially around the holidays, and from simply forgetting to drink it. Water eliminates waste, lubricates and cushions joints, keeps your temperature normal and SURWHFWVVHQVLWLYHWLVVXHVHVSHFLDOO\VNLQ'DLO\LQWDNHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVYDU\ JUHDWO\EXWDYHUDJHEHWZHHQOLWHUVVRWKHORQJVWDQGLQJDGYLFHWRGULQN glasses a day is a good, reasonable goal. +HOHQD$PRV0$F/$FLVDOLFHQVHGDFXSXQFWXULVW(XURSHDQSK\VLFLDQDQG)XQF - WLRQDO0HGLFLQHSUDFWLWLRQHUZLWK\HDUVRIFOLQLFDOH[SHULHQFHFRPELQLQJPRGHUQ)XQF - WLRQDO0HGLFLQHZLWKWKHDQFLHQWZLVGRPRI7UDGLWLRQDO2ULHQWDO0HGLFLQH6KHLV)RXQGHU 2ZQHURIWKH$FXSXQFWXUHDQG1DWXUDO0HGLFLQH&OLQLFLQ5RFNYLOOH0'DQGLVDYDLODEOH IRULQṘ FHDQGWHOHKHDOWKFRQVXOWDWLRQV9LVLWURFNYLOOHDFXSXQFWXUHPGFRP and fermented vegetables are all probiotic-rich. 10. Don’t forget Water. Water. Water. GLUT FOOD CO-OP • Open to the public — No membership required • Open 7 days / week: Tues-Fri 10 am–8 pm • Sat, Sun, Mon 9 am–7 pm • Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri 9 am–8 pm • Natural foods at the best prices in town • Not for profit and cooperative • More than 40 varieties of cheeses • Nuts, dried fruits, spices & organic produce 301-779-1978 4005 34th Street, Mt. Rainer, Maryland

Introducing Holistic Physician Margaret Gennaro, MD, FAAP, NMD, ABIHM Member: American Academy of Pediatrics American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine American Holistic Medical Association Holistic Pediatric Association

Dr. Gennaro is a double board-certified physician with over 30 years of experience who is committed to providing both adults and children personalized, holistic care for those who wish to participate in their own health care. Dr. Gennaro combines cutting-edge medical expertise with warmth and compassion. She utilizes the following modalities to allow the body to naturally heal itself: @ herbs @ nutrients @ acupressure @ spiritual growth @ homeopathic detox @ mind-body techniques [Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapas Acupressure Technique, and The Emotion Code]

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Mosby Tower 10560 Main Street, Suite 301 Fairfax, VA 22030 703-865-5692 • E-mail: Telehealth Consults Are Available! Call to make an appointment today!

46—PATHWAYS—Winter 22

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