Outcomes Report 2018-2019
YOUTH SUPPORTED INDEPENDENT LIVING (YSIL) YSIL is an outreach and housing program providing young persons with a mental illness with a variety of independent living support services. The program provides specialized one-to-one support services to those referred into the program as well as, a rental subsidy to financially assist the young person to live in market housing. We have up to 10 rental subsidies available.
Service Highlights
80% of clients feel their housing is more comfortable, safe and secure 100% of clients feel they have learned more skills to live independently 80% of clients feel more aware and connected to community services
This program is a component of Clubhouse Without Walls; programs and services that provide seamless continuum of services for older youth/young adults living with a mental illness. Referrals for the YSIL Program come from the Child and Youth Mental Health teams from Surrey and White Rock. TRANSITIONAL LIVING PROGRAM (TLP) TLP provides life skills training and housing for individuals living with a chronic and persistent mental illness. The target population for this program is those individuals whose illness severely impacts their ability to live independently. Programming is outreach in nature and is guided by the principles of Psycho-social Rehabilitation (PSR).
Service Highlights
23 clients served
203 group hours
1849 one-to-one service hours
1332 contacts
Homeless and Housing Services
SHELTER SERVICES Hyland House Newton and Bill Reid Place are shelters funded by BC housing to provide Essential and Gateway services. Essential services are, temporary accommodation and services designed to meet the immediate needs of the homeless for shelter, food and security. The shelters function as an access link to support services and as a bridge for people to external supports. The shelters connect to other key services such as health care, employment training and access to affordable housing. The shelters are part of the housing and services continuum. It acts as a ‘Gateway’ to a stable housing environment and independence. The shelters use a trauma informed approach when stabilizing and case planning with the people served.
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