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communautaire community link Le lien The Souper de Chevaliers de Rockland Les Chevaliers de Colomb de Rockland tiendront leurs souper de f èves au lard et macaroni, le 20 janvier, de 17h à 1830h. Enfants de 12 ans et moins gratuit. Information : 613-299-1942. Church chili luncheon St. Andrew’s Christian Church, 739 St. Jean Street, Rockland, hosts a Chili Warmup luncheon, Jan. 22, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To reserve tickets phone Jacquie at 613-446-5591. Vente d’hiver au Partage Du 26 janvier au 4mars le Comptoir familial Le Partage de Bourget, situé au 2259, rue Laval à Bourget, tiendra une vente de vêtements d’hiver pour adultes à 50¢, les vêtements pour enfants à 25¢, et les manteaux d’hiver toutes catégo- ries à 50 %. Les heures d’ouverture sont les jeudis, de 13 h à 20 h, les vendredis de 13 h à 17 h, et les samedis de 10 h à 13 h. Boisés Est Boisés Est invite les propriétaires de boisés et autres personnes qui s’inté- ressent au bois, à la forêt et à l’environ- nement à un atelier intitulé « Chauffage au bois de nouvelle génération », le 21 janvier, 9 h 30 à 13 h 30, à l’École catholique élémentaire Elda-Rouleau, 115, rue Sandfield, Alexandria. Détails et réservations : Jean-Claude Havard 613-673-3089 ou, le mercredi 18 janvier au plus tard. Sortie au casino Le Club Amicale Belle Rive organise une sortie au Rideau Carleton Casino, le 25 janvier. Départ de l’Aréna de Cla- rence Creek à 1 h 30, et des Jardins Belle Rive à 1 h 45. Pour réservations :Thérèse au 343-200-3575. Whist militaire L’Union culturelle des Franco-Onta- riennes du Cercle de St-Isidore organise un whist militaire le 5 février, à 13 h 30, au Centre récréatif de St-Isidore. Pour réservation, avant le 28 janvier, télépho- nez à Gisèle Séguin, 613-764-5559, ou Monique Lecuyer, 613-524-2651. ATV Club meetings Members of the ATV Club of East- ern Ontario are invited to attend the meeting held the secondWednesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Ronald Lalonde Community Cen- tre, 2564 St-Pascal Road, Saint-Pascal- Baylon. Info: 613 223-0805. Facebook: ATV Club of Eastern Ont Inc. La Friperie La Friperie de Rockland, 2815, rue Chamberland. Tous les profits sont remis à la banque alimentaire. La Fri- perie est ouverte le jeudi de 13h à 20h, le vendredi de 13 h à 16 h et le samedi, de 10 h à 13 h.

Counties becomes fire dispatch contractor


The counties will become the contractor for a while for fire dispatch services for sixmunicipalities within Prescott-Russell. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) approved, through a split vote, a resolution from Russell Township mayor Pierre Leroux for the counties to assume responsibility for negotiating and paying for fire service dispatch through the Town of Hawkesbury. Approval took place during a special session of counties council, Jan. 11, and required a registered vote that went 6-2 in favour, withmayors Jeanne Char- lebois of Hawkesbury and Guy Desjardins of Clarence-Rockland voting against. Desjardins’ objection hinged on a sugges- tion the UCPRwould assume responsibility for contracting fire dispatch for Clarence- Rockland in 2018.The City has been a client of the City of Ottawa’s fire dispatch service for more than a decade. “I have a contract,” said Desjardins. “I don’t intend on getting out of it. I do not plan on cancellingmy contract with the City of Ottawa, I assure you of that right now.” “I do not think the counties can force you to cancel,” replied warden Gary Barton. Hawkesbury has fire dispatch contracts with the townships of Champlain, Russell, Alfred-Plantagenet, the Village of Cassel- man, and The Nation Municipality. Those contracts end at the end of February. The new contract would take effect onMarch 1. Fire dispatch has been a burning issue for the counties for several months now as the number of clients for Hawkesbury dwindled with North Stormont and North Glengarry townships deciding to go with the City of Cornwall for their fire dispatch. Clarence-Rockland enjoys a lower fee rate for its fire dispatch contract with Ottawa and last year the remaining six municipalities began looking into becoming part of the Ottawa system. Hawkesbury also expressed its own interest in joining the system. But Ottawa has stated that it will not accept any- thing other than a single regional contract for all of Prescott-Russell. Charlebois questioned whether or not

Le maire Pierre Leroux du canton de Russell a présenté une proposition pour que les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell prennent la relève en tant qu’entrepreneur du service de répartition des services des incendies entre la Ville de Hawkesbury et six municipalités des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. L’approbation a eu lieu lors d’une session spéciale du conseil des comtés, et a exigé un vote enregistré qui est allé 6-2 en faveur, avec Hawkesbury et Clarence-Rockland votant contre. L’administration des comtés entamera des pourparlers avec les hauts fonctionnaires de Hawkesbury sur les termes du nouveau contrat qui maintiendrait le service d’expédition des services d’incendie pour les six municipalités, tandis que les CUPR continueront à s’entretenir avec la ville d’Ottawa pour inclure les huit municipalités de Prescott-Russell dans le cadre de son service d’expédition des services d’incendie. Clarence-Rockland a déjà un contrat avec Ottawa pour le service. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

the counties had the legal right, under the provincial Fire Protection Act, to take over as contractor for the other municipalities. She and Barton then had a heated discus- sion concerning the past history of the fire dispatch issue and the urgency to have a new temporary contract setup to ensure the six municipalities still under contract with Hawkesbury continue to have fire dispatch after the end of February. “If we don’t work together as a group, we’re just shooting ourselves in the foot,”

OPP marine assistant wanted The OPP Hawkesbury detachment has an open- ing for a marine assistant position for student applicants in 2017. The dual purpose of the program is to provide employment for youth and also to provide the successful applicant with an opportunity for experience and exposure to police work through actual field work, working alongside experienced officers.Applicants must be 18 or older, able to pass the OPP background security check, have a valid Ontario G2 or higher driver’s licence or the equivalent, a valid Plea- sure Craft Operator’s card, valid and current CPR and First Aid certification, and be able to swim a 300-meter distance without stopping. Applicants must be either high school or post- secondary students. Application deadline is Feb. 14 to at Student Marine Assistant listing or job ID number 103149. – Gregg Chamberlain This arrangement would continue until the counties and its member municipalities can agree on a combined long-termcontract with a service provider of UCPR council’s choice. said Barton. “We’re past the ‘What if?’ stage. We need an agreement and we need it now.” Administrator Stéphane Parisien told council that a number of counties serve as fire dispatch service contractor for their member municipalities. He said the UCPR would only bill the sixmunicipalities which now contract with Hawkesbury, but not Hawkesbury and Clarence-Rockland. The 2017 billing would be based on eachmuni- cipality’s population, while the 2018 billing would be through direct assessment.

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398


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