IT MATTERS TO ME: INFORMING YOUTH SERVICES DELIVERY 35 hours (FG). Participants expressed that having a Surrey YISH that offered “[flexible] hours” of services would address some accessibility issues (FG). In regard to location, research findings promoted that a Surrey YISH be in a “central location” that is accessible to transit, such as Surrey Central, Guildford, and Newton (FG). Focus group participants’ input was corroborated by survey respondents. Focus group participants noted that to increase accessibility to services, it would be beneficial to locate a Surrey YISH in “multi- areas” (FG). Survey respondents demonstrated that a Surrey YISH should be located in Whalley/Central City (27%), Guildford (24%), Newton (18%), Cloverdale (11%), Fleetwood (11%), and South Surrey (9%). A visual breakdown of what survey respondents shared as their desired location for a Surrey YISH is presented in Figure 3.
Communities Identified for a Surrey YISH
Whalley/Central City Newton Guildford South Surrey
9% 11%
Cloverdale Fleetwood
Figure 3 . Desired location for a Surrey YISH as identified by survey respondents ( N = 30). Finding 4: A need for trained staff that have experience working with youth . Focus group participants expressed their desire to have staff members who are properly trained in various therapeutic modalities and who have extensive experience in working with youth. Participants shared that having trained staff at a Surrey YISH “trained to respond to trauma” and having a strong appreciation that “trauma is in the body” is imperative (FG). It was also important that staff
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