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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 CANADA REVENUE AGENCY SCAM PERSISTS The OPP is cautioning citizens against a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) scam that persists in the region. Suspects call residents advising that if they do not pay owed money they can be arrested. This summer a Limoges area woman was contacted by a “CRA officer” advising there were four allegations and that she would be brought to court. The complainant then received a call from what she believed to be the OPP’s local number. Suspects posed as a police officer demanding her SIN number. The OPP confirms that they would not make such calls and advises residents to not give out personal information. 150 AVERTISSEURS DE FUMÉE À C-R Le Service des incendies de Clarence-Rockland a reçu 150 avertisseurs de fumée et de monoxyde de carbone combinés dans le cadre du projet Zéro : une campagne d’information du public qui fournit plus de 6600 détecteurs aux résidents de 30 municipalités de l’Ontario. Cette année, Enbridge a investi 200 000 $ dans le projet Zéro. Depuis 2009, 34 384 détecteurs ont été distribués aux services des incendies de l’Ontario dans le cadre du projet Zéro.



More than half a dozen small-scale “green energy” projects may not be going ahead as planned in Alfred- Plantagenet Township because of a mass cancellation of alternate energy contracts by the new Progressive Conservative government. The lights went out for 758 renewable energy projects in Ontario when Greg Rick- GPSE UIFOFX.JOJTUFSPG&OFSHZ /PSUIFSO Development and Mines, announced July 13 that the Progressive Conservative govern- ment was cancelling their contracts. The decision follows up on an election campaign promise of Doug Ford, Ontario’s new premier, to reduce Hydro rates by 12 per cent through a variety of cost-cutting measures. All of the projects listed in the mass- cancellation of contracts had not yet reached their “project development milestones” according to the government news release. Both Rickford and Ford have claimed the can- celled contracts represent $790 million in combined savings for all Ontario ratepayers on their electricity costs. Rickford also stated that the government will introduce legislation to protect ratepayers from the costs of any legal fallout from the contract cancellations. Local project contracts The biggest project contract in the Prescott-Russell region hit by the mass DBODFMMBUJPO JT UIF POF GPS UIF &BTUFSO

Plusieurs projets de panneaux solaires pourraient avoir été annulés par le nouveau gouvernement provincial, y compris des projets à Alfred-Plantagenet. —archives

Fields wind farm project proposed for The /BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZBOE$IBNQMBJO5PXOTIJQ as reported in the July 18 editions of the 5SJCVOF&YQSFTTBOE3FáFU/FXT &JHIU QSPQPTFE TPMBS QSPKFDUT GPS UIF Alfred-Plantagenet Township area are also affected by the provincial government’s deci- sion. They include a municipal solar project at the township sewage treatment lagoon, three small solar setups in the Village of

Curran proposed by ML Solar Projects LP, two projects of ASM Solar LP in the villages of Alfred and Plantagenet, and one in the township for Sunny Curran LP. Also hit by contract cancellations are two biogas projects for local farm operations near the Village of Lefaivre in Alfred-Plan- tagenet Township and near the Village of Casselman.


en collaboration avec


L e journal communautaire Vision, en collaboration avec l’Association des artistes de Clarence-Rockland (AACR), est fier de vous présenter une série de profil d’artistes membres de l’AACR. La mission de l’AACR est de mettre en œuvre la promotion, le développement et la visibilité des artistes membres. Leurs objectifs sont de promouvoir, de cultiver et de faire découvrir les artistes de tous âges et de tous niveaux, provenant de la région

de Clarence-Rockland et ses environs, ainsi que les arts visuels, comprenant la peinture, la photographie, le dessin, la sculpture et les vitraux, sans jury et sans concours. L’AACR est à la recherche d’artistes qui œuvrent dans différentes spécialités, pour leur offrir l’occasion de promouvoir leurs talents par le biais de vernissages et d’expositions dans la région, assurant ainsi une relève artistique dans notre communauté. DÉCOUVREZ les artistes membres :





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