Leeds Beckett University - Commercial Manager

Introduction and Overview

Estate Objectives

Leeds Beckett University has a long history that is reflected in the current estate, being the product of a number of amalgamations of educational establishments dating back to 1824. The oldest property has its origins from 1752; the newest we currently have was delivered in 2010. We operate over two major campus sites with a further separate area of sports pitches and a considerable portfolio of leased space the majority of which supports specialist teaching. The last 5 year strategy saw the conclusion of a programme of consolidation within the estate creating a more cost effective and efficient building portfolio. We have clearly focused on our teaching estate and divested ourselves of non-essential buildings, including some of our residential portfolio. The current non-residential estate consists of 60 buildings with a Gross Internal Area of 129,175m2. This currently supports the teaching of 19,827 full time Students and 2,317 members of staff.

The main objective of the Estate Strategy is to support our strategic activities with the most efficient and effective estate that can be delivered within sustainable resources. To deliver this the Estates Services needs to: • provide a modern learning and working environment to meet our mission and vision; • facilitate a wide range of spaces to support developments, in teaching, research and enterprise activities; • create flexible space in order to adapt to future changes in educational requirements; • create space that is fully accessible, meeting all ability needs; • produce and maintain campus and estate development Master Plans; • generate a capital works programme which goes beyond the period of our current strategy; • address any inefficiencies in space usage with emphasis on flexibility and appropriate timetabling analysis; • regularly validate the space needs of our institution to ensure that functional suitability is maximized; • establish and maintain clear routine, statutory and long term sustainable maintenance plans to raise the condition of the estate; • consider opportunities for efficiencies through shared services with similar institutions; • reduce carbon emissions to meet carbon targets.


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