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Groundwork plans for better economic development Russell’s economic future. One involves a grant application to the municipal affairs ministry to hire a resource officer for a pro- posed Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) program for the region. for all of the region, both at the regional and municipal levels.


department, is a map and list of all vacant land and buildings throughout the counties. The map will also note the location of ser- vices like water, sewer, hydro, natural gas, and fibre-optic cable links. Counties staff are looking into possible grant programs to assist with hiring a professional consultant engineer to help with this project. When completed, the map and lists will assist with any future economic develop- ment plans for the region, including helping direct potential developers to suitable sites for their projects.

In a report to the UCPR economic deve- lopment and tourism committee, Lavigne noted that during a meeting with econo- mic development officials from around the Prescott-Russell region there was noticeable “enthusiasm of the municipalities” for a BR+E program. The ministry will provide a two-day training workshop at the beginning of March in Casselman for the BR+E. Another project in the works, in partnership with the counties planning

Planning for future economic develop- ment is like building a house. A good solid foundation is needed to support the entire structure and that is what the counties eco- nomic development department is doing with two new projects. Carole Lavigne, economic development and tourismdirector for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) and her staff are working on two initiatives to further streng- then the planning foundation for Prescott-

The BR+E program is a provincial pro- ject to help create local inventories of all businesses in operation within an economic development region. Included with the list of businesses are profiles of their operations, current needs, future plans and challenges, and other infor- mation.The BR+E inventory serves as a tool for future economic development planning

GREGG CHAMBERLAIN Development charges bylaw review for that allocation of DC funds are finished. The township can now designate a new rec- reation project for funding through a spe- cific allocation of DC fees. That requires a specific amendment to the development charge bylaw.

Parmalat Canada supports water quality work

The development charges bylaw for Al- fred-Plantagenet Township is up for review and council wants to know if residents and potential developers would support an amendment to assist with funding future public recreation needs. The bylaw came up for its five-year review in 2014. Administration noted in a report to council that at the time, there was sufficient money available from past development charges (DC) to allow several small public recreation projects, including a splash pad in the Village of Wendover, to go ahead. All the recreation projects earmarked

The township will hold a public mee- ting to get comment and feedback on the proposed amendment once it is ready for review.





C’est notre 20 e anniversaire! It’s our 20 th anniversary! SUBWAY ROCKLAND (Valide seulement au/valid only at: 2058, rue Laurier Street) Le samedi 16 avril 2016 / Saturday, April 16, 2016 Achetez un sous-marin et un breuvage de 21 onces et obtenez un autre sous-marin de valeur égale ou moindre... Buy any sub and a 21 oz drink and get another sub of equal or lesser price...

Parmalat Canada continues to be a keen supporter of the South Nation Conservation Authority’s (SNC) Clean Water Program. The Winchester-based company confirmed another $5000 donation towards the current year’s projects. For the past 18 years, Parmalat has contributedmore than $300,000 for the SNC programand helped support more than 100 water quality improvement projects in the SouthNation River watershed. Presenting the cheque are: (left) Peter Holt, Parmalat maintenance manager; SNC Chairman Doug Thompson; SNC Director Lawrence Levere; Serge Racine, Paramalat utility supervisor; StephenWilson, Parmalat plant operations director; KatherineWatson, SNC water resources specialist; Jackie Pemberton, SNC chair clean water committee; and Natasha Machado, SNC communications. —photo SNC


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