
Cats are not the problem: reader

In response to the September 12

twiceayear andhelpget this situationunder

animals.Animalsdon’t carewhat colourour

HawkesburyTownCouncilMeeting, Iwant


skinis, orhowmuchmoneyyouhave,where

to say “Thank you” to Council for listening

There are so many un-used and

you live, or even if you have a job. All they

to what Bonnie Bishop, Investigator for the

abandoned buildings in Hawkesbury, so

care about is having something to eat, a

Votre Super Centre de l’auto, du camion, des VUS et des mini-fourgonnettes d’occasion! 2011 Infiniti M37X , 7432 km, blanche, 49,995$ 2011 Ford Edge, 25,752 km, brune, 32,995$ 2011 Nissan Maxima, 23,784 km, bleu, 31,995$ 2011 Nissan Maxima, 27,412 km, noire, 31,995$ 2011 Nissan Maxima, 32,715 km, argent, 31,995$ 2011 Buick Lucerne, 37,516 km, grise, 21,995$ 2011 Ford Fusion, 34,314 km, noire, 17,995$ 2011 Chevy Cruze, 7,234km, argent, 17,995$ 2011 Ford Focus, 34,521 km, grise, 16,995$ 2011 Ford Fiesta, 20,228 km, noire, 14,995$ 2010NissanMurano,60,991km,noire,35,995$ 2010 Infiniti G37X, 17,892 km, grise, 31,995$ 2010NissanAltimaCoupe,27,292,blanche,27,995$ 2010 Toyota Tacoma, 57,296 km, argent, 26,995$ 2010HyundaiGenesis,36,298km,noire,20,995$ 2010 Nissan Rogue, 9,598 km, bleu, 18,995$ 2010DodgeGr.Caravan,44,124km,argent,17,995$ 2010 Mazda 6, 58,593 km, grise, 17,995$ 2009 Nissan Murano, 72,198 km, grise, 25,995$ 2009 NissanMaxima, 32,298km, blanche, 24,995$ 2009 Nissan Maxima, 94,562 km, grise, 23,995$ 2009 Nissan Rogue, 81,115 km, grise, 16,995$ 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt, 73,691 km, rouge, 9,995$ 2008 Infiniti G35X, 95,298 km, grise, 22,995$ 2008 Nissan Rogue, 75,146 km, noire, 19,995$ 2008 Pontiac Torent, 87,298 km, rouge, 12,995$ 2008 Nissan Altima, 148,954 km, grise, 9,995$ 2007LincolnNavigator,135,865km,noire,23,995$ 2007 Nissan Sentra, 66,298 km, grise, 13,995$ 2007 Nissan Versa, 64,298 km, rouge, 9,995$ 2007 Nissan Versa, 95,883 km, grise, 9,999$ 2007 Dodge Caravan, 59,838 km, bleu, 9,995$ 2007 Hyundai Elantra, 42,719 km, silver, 9,995$ 2006 Nissan Titan, 73,134 km, grise, 19,995$ 2006 Nissan Murano, 107,498 km, grise, 18,995$ 2006 Nissan Xtrail, 55,199 km, argent, 14,995$ 2006 Nissan Xtrail, 70,177 km, noire, 13,995$ 2006 GMC Canyon, 110,873 km, verte, 13,995$ 2006 Nissan Xtrail, 117,230 km, noire, 11,995$ 2006 Honda Civic, 82,750 km, beige, 9,995$ 2005 Nissan Xtrail, 105,326km, beige, 9,995$ 2005PontiacMontana,105,634km,argent,8,995$ 2003 Nissan Frontier, 122,572 km, argent, 7,995$ 2003 Nissan Altima, 89,203 km, rouge, 6,995$ 2002 Nissan Frontier, 101,512 km, rouge, 6,995$

OSPCA, and Jeannie Barnes Rouleau had to

why can’t the Town donate one to “Friends

warm place to sleep and some special

sayonbehalf of thehomeless, strayand feral

of Feral Cats” and other volunteers to make

attention once in a while. Unfortunately I

cats of our community who cannot speak to

a shelter/sanctuary? Homeless cats could

can’t say the same thing about people, but

defend themselves, and for showing interest

then be trapped, passed through the TSNR

yet the poor animals are blamed for being a

in helping to solve the “homeless” cat

program and then brought to live in a safe

nuisance? Wake up people, these animals

population in a humane fashion rather than

and secure sanctuary where they would be

havebeenabused, abandoned, dumped, and

passing a by-law that imposes fines up to

fedonadailybasis, beprovidedwithshelter

neglected! Were you not born with a heart?

$300 on anyone caught feeding these cats.

to sleep in and quite possibly get adopted!

Do you think that just because they are not

The only positive and humane solution

We currently have no shelter nearby and

“like us” that they don’t matter and don’t

that works world-wide is to allowpeople to

this would also attract tourists year-round

deserve to be treated humanely? Live and

continue to feed and provide winterized

just like the “Cats on Parliament Hill.” The

let live! We were all created by the same

shelter for these cats so that they do become

people love visiting the cats there! It would

creator, “God” or has the sheer mention of

friendlier and better socialized with people

alsomake a great learning center for anyone

His name become such a taboo subject

making a great deal of them adoptable and

interested in animal rescue and animal

around here that I don’t dare say it? “The

quite possibly removed fromthe streets and

welfare and so on. The possibilities are

People” need to stop animal cruelty, end

into responsible, loving homes. The TSNR


abuse and end the suffering.We all have the

(trap, spay, neuter, release)methodhasbeen

FACT: Companion animals such as cats

right to remain silent, but if we do, they pay

proven world-wide to be the only effective

and dogs do have feelings, they see, hear,

theprice! Iwould love tosee this community

method that truly works. It not only

breathe, feel pain and believe it or not, they


eliminates unwanted cats from being born,

do grieve. The only thing that makes them


but it eliminates aggression and fighting

different from people is that they act more

the current reputation of this Town. Be the

among males, spraying to mark their

human thanmost people ina lot ofways.We

change youwant to see in your community!

territory, and it helps cats to live a happier

can certainly learn a lot from watching


and much less stressful life. Most of these

“homeless” cats are not even feral, they are

frightened as a result of being someone’s

Second case of horse virus


anduncaringpet ownerswho simplydonot

anddawnwhenmosquitoes aremost active.

care enough about their pets to have them

A second horse in the district has tested

For more information about Eastern equine


positive for Eastern equine encephalitis

encephalitis virus, visit

one thing with everyone: Cats are not the

virus. Because the virus can only be

_files/eeev.pdf.Youcanalsocall theEastern

problem. People are the problem. It’s just

transmitted to a human through the bite of

Ontario Health Unit at 613-933-1375 or at 1


an infected mosquito, the Eastern Ontario

800 267-7120 and ask for Health Line.

than blame the humans who created the

Health Unit urges residents to take

“problem” in the first place! If youdon’t like

Turkey Supper


animals, then don’t get any!

Both horses were identified within the

St. Bernard’sparish inFournier hosts its

Veterinarians need to start looking into

same area. “Although there have been no

annual turkey and roast beef (Red Angus)

ways of helping the community that they

confirmed human cases in Ontario, it’s

supper October 2 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at


important torealize thatmosquitoeswill still

the former South Plantagenet municipal

neuter clinic twice a year during the mating

be active until the first frost. For this reason,


seasons to help keep the homeless/feral cat

Military Whist

we urge all residents to keep on taking

populationfromgettingany larger. Ifpeople

preventive measures to protect themselves

Amilitarywhist is being organized by a

can’t afford tohave their cats sterilized, they

and their families,” explains Dr. Paul

group of parishioners in aid of the St-Paul

will just drop themoff somewhere and they

Roumeliotis,MedicalOfficerofHealth. Some

Plantagenet parish, November 20 at 1:30

will still become part of the TSNR program

simple steps include: using insect repellent

p.m. at the community hall. Door prizes.

so why not offer this service to everyone

containing DEET as per manufacturer’s



directions; covering up with long sleeves

Viau (613-673-1986) or Françoise Vincent

and pants; avoiding going outside at dusk


L’Association de basket-ball mineur TITANS (2011 ) Minor Basketball Association INSCRIPTION REGISTRATION

pour adultes et adolescents • Enseignantes qualifiées et expérimentées • Nouvelle session débute prochainement P LUSIEURS NOUVEAUX COURS Tél. 613 679-4298 1 866 218-3704

Date : Le 28 septembre 2011, de 18 h 30 à 20 h. Endroit : Gymnase de l’école Paul VI,

Date : September 28, 2011 between 6:30 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Location : Paul VI Gymnasium

Hawkesbury (entrée rue Régent)

Hawkesbury (entry via Regent St.)


Frais : 60 $ (payable à l’inscription)

Cost : $60 (payable on registration night)

Divisions et heures :

Divisions & Times :


Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131

• Peewee (né en 2002-2003) Les vendredis

• Peewee (born 2002-2003) Fridays


Filles – Paul VI, 18 h 15 – 19 h 15 Garçons – Paul VI, 19 h 30 – 20 h 30

Girls – Paul VI – 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Boys – Paul VI – 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.


• Mini-Bantam (né en 2000-2001) Les vendredis Filles – Le Sommet, 18 h 30 – 20 h 30** Garçons – PCPS, 18 h 30 – 20 h 30 • Bantam (né en 1998-1999)** Les mercredis Filles – Paul VI, 18 h 30 – 19 h 30 Les vendredis Garçons – ESCRH, 18 h 30 – 19 h 30.

• Mini-Bantam (born 2000-2001) Fridays Girls – Le Sommet – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.** Boys – PCPS – 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. • Bantam (1998-1999) Wednesdays Girls – Paul VI – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fridays Boys – ESCRH – 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

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FRI. & SAT. AT 6:30 & 8:45 SUN.& WK.DAY AT 7:00

POUR RENSEIGNEMENTS, COMPOSEZ le 613 632-8006 ou le 613 632-1943. **Directrice-directeur de division recherché(e) - si aucun bénévole ne prend en charge cette division, celle-ci ne sera pas offerte. Veuillez prendre note que le soir des joutes ou des pratiques sera déterminé selon la disponibilité du bénévole.

FOR INFORMATION, CALL 613 632-1943 • 613 632-8006

**This division is in need of a director; if no leader is found, then this category will not be offered. The evening will be determined by the availability of the volunteer. Quebec Grenville FRI. & SAT. AT 6:30 & 8:15 SUN. & WEEKDAYS 7:00

Coin de la Main et de la rueTupper.

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