Počasnim Zlatnim medvedom „Berlinale“ odaje poštovanje značajnim ličnostima u svetu filma / The Berlinale awards the Honorary Golden Bear as a way of paying tribute to important figures in the world of film
Medved za Skorsezea
Po redu 74. Berlinski među- narodni filmski festival do- delice američkom reditelju, producentu i scenaristi Mar- tinu Skorsezeu počasnog Zlatnog medveda za životno delo na ceremoniji dodele nagrada 20. februara. Od sedamdesetih godi- na Oskarom nagrađen redi- telj jedan je od najuticajnijih filmskih stvaralaca u svetu kinematografije sa više od 70 filmova. Njegov najno- viji film, „Ubistvo pod cvet- nim mesecom“, nedavno je proglašen za najbolji film 2023. godine od strane re- nomiranog američkog film- skog udruženja „National Board of Review“, a Američki filmski institut ga je progla- sio jednim od 10 najboljih fil- mova godine. Najbolji proš- le godine ovaj film je bio i za „The New York Times“, „The New Yorker“ i „The New York Film Critics Circle“. Martin Skorseze je tako- đe veoma posvecen istorij- skom filmskom nasleđu. Sa svojom „Filmskom fondaci- jom“ podržava restauraciju i distribuciju klasičnih filmova. „Berlinale“ se nalazi u tesnoj vezi sa Skorsezeom i mno- gim njegovim filmovima, uključujuci spektakularni koncertni film o „Rolingston- sima“, koji je otvorio „Berli- nale“ 2008. godine.
BEAR FOR SCORSESE The 74 th Berlin Internation- al Film Festival is set to award American director, produc- er and screenwriter Martin Scorsese its Honorary Gold- en Bear, representing its life- time achievement award, in a ceremony to be held on 20 th February. This Oscar-winning direc- tor has been among the most influential filmmakers in the world of cinema since the 1970s. Just the directori- al works of this Italian-Ameri- can with Sicilian roots includes more than 70 films. His latest film, Killers of the Flower Moon, was recently voted the best film of 2023 by the U.S.’s re- nowned National Board of Re-
view of Motion Pictures and has been named one of the top 10 films of the year by the American Film Institute, as well as being declared the Best Film of 2023 by The New York Times, The New Yorker and the New York Film Critics Circle. Scorsese also has a strong commitment to historical film heritage. Together with The Film Foundation, he supports the restoration and distribu- tion of classic films. Scorsese is associated with the Berlinale due to the fact that this festi- val has showcased many of his films – including the spectacu- lar Rolling Stones concert film Shine a Light, which opened the 2008 Berlinale.
BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Diverse, independent and daring Film lovers are impatiently awaiting the 74 th Berlinale, which takes place from 15 th to 25 th February
start of the Cold War, as a “show- case of the free world”, it was shaped by the turbulent postwar period and the unique situation of the then di- vided city. The Berlinale has since de- veloped to become a place of inter- cultural exchange and a platform for the critical cinematic exploration of social issues. Indeed, to this day it is still considered the most political of all the world’s major film festivals. The Berlinale brings major stars of international cinema to Berlin and reveals talented newcomers. It accompanies filmmakers of all dis- ciplines and supports careers, pro- jects, dreams and visions. Each year includes the screening of around 200 films of all genres, lengths and for-
mats in various categories and spe- cial presentations of the Berlinale. Across the cinematic spectrum – from feature films to documentary forms and artistic experiments – the audi- ence is invited to experience high- ly contrasting milieus, ways of life and attitudes, to put their own judge- ments and prejudices to the test, and to reinvigorate their experience of seeing and perceiving in the realm that exists between classic narrative forms and extraordinary aesthetics. The programme also thrives on in- tense dialogue with its audiences. A rich array of spoken-word events, au- dience discussions and expert pan- el debates facilitate active participa- tion in the festival.
T his attentive and open festival is approachable for the public and the film industry, both of which have remained equally loyal throughout all these years and have made the Berlinale what it is today: a place for encoun- ters and exchanges; a unique place
of artistic exploration and one of the world’s largest public film fes- tivals. For the film industry and the media, this eleven-day festival in February is also one of the world’s most important events. The Berlinale boasts an event- ful history. Created to entertain the Berlin public back in 1951, at the
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