ORACLE April 2020


Thursday, November 19, 2020 3:30PM Owners’ Lounge American Dirt By Jeanine Cummins

Luca and Lydia, a mother and son, flee Mexico in fear of their lives after her husband has been murdered and his family threatened. As they travel they become two of the undocumented immigrants from Latin America to undertake the dangerous journey to the United States. Washington Post critic Polly Rosenwaike calls American Dirt a “profoundly moving reading experience.” USA Today’s Barbara VanDenburgh calls the book “problematic”. Embroiled in controversy, this book should provoke a lively discussion as its merits and weaknesses are considered. EVERYONE IS WELCOME

CHAVALLA'S HEALTH CORNER Reminder of our two fundamental functional medicine questions: What is too much that may be causing me harm? What is not enough that could be helpful? Right now it is important to remain calm but vigilant. Too much media, worry, fear is not helpful. Not enough sleep, nutritious food, moderate exercise and supportive connection can all impact our immune system. We recommend taking an honest inventory of what you can do to boost your innate immune system. Our bodies are made to protect us in these times. We are resilient creatures. Giving our bodies the support they need to function optimally also gives us something to do right now! Think basics: Minimize alcohol, sugar, processed foods, stress and unnecessary activities. Maximize micronutrients, fresh air, movement and sleep. 2ND 5-K WALK/RUN : Successful and fun! It was so fun to see so many of you out and exercising. On behalf of the Health and Fitness committee and Dog Committee we want to express our thanks for supporting our event. Also a big shout out to the canine Spa and Pet Hotel for donating such awesome gifts that were part of all the prizes we had to giveaway. Dr Brossfield brought in over 100ppl for her topic on brain health in the owners lounge. Awesome topic and well received. HEALTH AND FITNESS FAIR was cancelled due to coronavirus scare. See you all next season!

STEAK FRY Put on by Bob & Michelle Moore and helpers. THANK YOU

Chavalla Lopez-Bassam Chair


If you don’t tell us, we won’t know! Owners, please inform the mailroom @ 760-328-3834, ext 255 when you arrive and when you leave.


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