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Award winning author to present 11 th volume Award-winning author and military historian, Mark Zuehlke, will be giving a presentation in Cornwall regarding the ele- venth volume in his critically acclaimed Ca- nadian Battle Series of books on World War II— Forgotten Victory: First Canadian Army and the Cruel Winter of 1944-45 . The event, hosted by the Glens’ Association, will take place at the Cornwall Armoury, November 20 at 7 p.m. Forgotten Victory relates the un- told story of how the Canadian Army paved the way for an Allied victory in Europe in World War II through an attack against the Rhineland. It resulted in a decisive victory, at the end of which there was no doubt as to the war’s ultimate outcome. Zuehlke is the winner of the prestigious 2014 Pierre Berton Award: the Governor General’s His- tory Award for Popular Media, which cele- brates those who have brought Canadian history to a wider audience. He has worked as a journalist, been educated as a historian and written award-winning #ction. Plusieurs projets mis en veilleuse Il semble que l’hiver de 2014 ait été dur pour les comptes de la Ville. Lors de la dernière réunion du conseil, le 10 novembre, la directrice des #nances pour Cornwall, Maureen Adams, a expliqué que le budget alloué pour la saison hiver- nale aurait été complètement dépensé. Donc, pour être en mesure d’assurer le déneigement des routes, plusieurs pro- jets entrepris par la Ville, dont l’installa- tion de caméras à bord des transports en commun et plusieurs travaux routiers, de- vront être mis en veilleuse. «Les travaux seront repris en 2015 » , a expliqué Mme Adams aux conseillers présents.
Attention Avis/Notice
NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your rearms and militaria. Quick, easy and condential; or(613)632-4848.
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