
Upper Canada district and China partner up COMMUNAUTÉ • COMMUN I TY "e Upper Canada school district has a close connection with China. Upper Canada district through the UCDSB International Education Program, which is under the supervision of the Upper Cana- da Leger Centre of Education and Training (UCLCET). !e UCLCET assists students fromChina, Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Germany,

and Italy with "nding homestay accom- modations and instruction and advice on day-to-day student life in Canada.

O$cials for the Upper Canada Dis- trict School Board (UCDSB) and Zheng- zhou School Number 9 signed a "ve-year partnership agreement that will link the two educational institutions.!e agreement will open up a foreign studies program for students from the Chinese school to improve their English while taking Grades 11 and 12 curriculum courses at UCDSB schools towards graduation with an Ontario secon- dary school diploma. Zhengzhou School is located in east-cen- tral China. About two dozen of its senior students are expected to attend UCDSB schools each year under the terms of the partnership agreement and as part of the UCDSB International Education Program. !eir Ontario high school diplomas and English-language studies will allow them to pursue further post-secondary programs at Canadian universities and colleges. !is is the second "ve-year partnership agreement between the UCDSB and Zheng- zhou School Number 9. A UCDSB news re- lease stated that Chinese students are eager to take part in the foreign studies program that the agreement o#ers because “the Cana- dian education system is valued internatio- nally” and Canadians have a reputation as “a friendly and hospitable people”. !e UCDSB has a sizeable foreign student body studying at schools throughout the A fter exercising on the municipal bike path, nothing is more refreshing than an ice cold healthy smoothie from Euphoria! Located at 901 Notre-Dame Street in Embrun, the restaurant offers amazing unique smoothies and a giant menu of wraps, sandwiches, pretzels, juices, ice creams and caffeinated drinks. The restaurant opened in February of 2008 and has only grown since. Euphoria is owned and operated by Monique Béland and her husband Guy Poirier. Since 2008 the store has become a major part of our com- munity. Monique and Guy were originally looking for a com- mercial land space for Guy’s business. When they pur- chased the 901 Notre-Dame land, the plan changed and Euphoria sort of happened by accident. Now they could not be happier with their decision and cannot believe the immense support they receive from the community. Monique says: “We are forever grateful for the support of our community and the support of our employees”. Euphoria now has between 10 and 12 employees that are all students. Euphoria is very proud to be able to offer its employees work experience in a familial envi- ronment. The team self-proclaims to be one big happy family. Many of the employees started at the restaurant in their early teens and are now graduating from college or university. The Euphoria family is dedicated to giving back to the community by participating in many activities and fundraisers. On September 20th, 2015, the employees formed a team that will be running in the Terry Fox race which will start in Russell and end at Euphoria on the bike path. Euphoria has created two special edition smoothies for the Terry Fox race, one will be called Hope and the other Courage. When you buy a Hope or Cour- age smoothie, Euphoria will give back $1 to the Terry Fox Foundation. LECONSEILDUDÉVELOPPEMENTÉCONOMIQUERURALE RURALECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCOUNCIL REDCO CODER

Appointments to the Board of Directors at the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital Mrs. Suzanne Quesnel-Gauthier, Chair of the Board of Directors at Hawkesbury & District General Hospital (HGH), is pleased to announce the appointments of three new directors.

t Yannick Charette is manager at BDO Canada LLP o#ce in Rockland and an accountant specializing in small to midsize businesses. He has close to 10 years of experience serving clients in the private and public sectors. Actively engaged in his community, Yannick volunteers with charity organizations dedicated to social development and healthcare. Hospital care having an impact on everyone, he wishes to contribute to the management of quality care in the region where his family lives. t Daniel Gatien is the Director of Economic Development at Russell Township and has over 35 years of experience in municipal management. Experienced administrator, he previously served on the boards of Prescott-Russell Services for Children and Adults Foundation and Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation. He wishes to contribute to the promotion of HGH’s outstanding services and outreach e!orts throughout the region. He lives in Rockland. t Michel Parent is the General Manager of Desjardins Business Centre of Eastern Ontario and has over 25 years of experience in the "nancial and banking sectors. He also serves on the board of Champlain Community Care Access Centre and previously chaired the Prescott-Russell Chamber of Commerce. He wishes to bring his personal contribution to the development of HGH so all residents may bene"t from a full-service regional hospital. He lives in Casselman.

HGH is a family and patient-centered bilingual community hospital with a regional focus. Our team of more than 100 physicians and 600 employees is committed to excellence in healthcare and relies on teamwork, innovation and leadership.

HGH will become a full-service regional hospital by 2018 and provide more specialty services, closer to home.

Yannick Charette Daniel Gatien Michel Parent


You can join Euphoria’s online community by liking their Facebook page @ Euphoria Smoothies Embrun. The restaurant is open 7 days a week and can also be found in their concession stand on the Rideau Canal during Winterlude from January 29th to February 15th, 2016 A près avoir fait de l’exercice sur la piste cy- clable municipale, il n’a rien de mieux qu’un smoothie glacé et santé d’Euphoria! Localisé au 901, rue Notre-Dame à Embrun, le restaurant offre des smoothies incroyables et uniques. Il offre également un géant menu de wraps, sandwichs, bretzels, jus, crèmes glacées et breuvages caféi- nés. Le restaurant a ouvert en février 2008 et ne cesse d’augmenter depuis. Monique Béland et son mari Guy Poirier sont les propriétaires et gérants d’Euphoria. Grâce à eux, le restaurant est devenu une grande partie de notre communauté. Le plan premier de Monique et Guy était d’acheter un terrain pour l’entreprise personnelle de Guy. Quand ils ont acheté le terrain au 901, rue Notre-Dame, le plan a changé et Euphoria s’est installé par accident. Maintenant, ils ne pourraient pas être plus heureux avec leur décision et ils ne peuvent pas croire l’immense soutien qu’ils reçoivent de la communauté. Monique souligne : « Nous sommes éternellement reconnaissants du soutien de notre communauté et de nos employés ». Euphoria a maintenant entre 10 et 12 employés qui sont tous des étudiants. Euphoria est vraiment fier d’être capable de donner à ses employés de l’expérience de travail dans un environnement familial. L’équipe s’autoproclame d’être une grande famille heureuse. Plu- sieurs employés ont commencé leur emploi au restaurant quand ils étaient dans le début de leur adolescence et sont maintenant diplômés de collège ou d’université.

Vous pouvez faire partie de la communauté en ligne d’Euphoria en aimant leur page Facebook @ Euphoria Smoothies Embrun. Le restaurant est ouvert 7 jours sur 7 et on peut également les retrouver dans leur casse-croûte sur le Canal Rideau durant le Bal de neige, du 29 janvier au 15 février 2016.

La famille d’Euphoria s’est engagée à redonner à la communauté en participant à plusieurs activités et collectes de fonds. Le 20 septembre 2015, les employés ont formé une équipe qui participera à la course Terry Fox qui débutera à Russell et terminera à Euphoria sur la piste cyclable. Euphoria a créé deux nouveaux smoothies nommés Hope et Courage pour la course Terry Fox. Quand vous achetez un smoothie Hope ou Courage, Euphoria remettra 1$ à la fondation Terry Fox.

Euphoria Smoothies

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