CWU Mental Health Services

Medical Services Results

A total of 124 out of 190 students (65.26%) completed the Medical Clinic satisfaction survey. The survey was administered from 05/14/18 to 05/18/18. This sample represents students who presented for a scheduled appointment and with at least one previous appointment this academic year. Students were able to choose from the following responses: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Nei- ther Agree nor Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, Does Not Apply; they were able to skip any question they wished (coded as “No Response”). Of the students completing the survey, the majority (66.9%) were presenting for an appoint- ment with a medical provider, 25.8% had an appointment solely with a nurse or medical assis- tant, and 3.2% were scheduled for a lab visit only. Four percent of students did not respond to this item. The majority were presenting for an appointment with a previously seen medical staff member (67.7%), 20.2% were seeing this particular staff member for the first time but had been seen by medical staff previously, and 12.1% did not respond to this item. The overwhelming majority of students either agreed or strongly agreed that the medical staff was prepared for their visit (91.9%), acted professionally (94.4%), and understood their prob- lems and concerns (85.5%). Additionally, 84.6% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that they worked well with the medical staff, and over 86.3% either agreed or strongly agreed that, they felt safe talking with medical staff about their issues/illness. In terms of communica- tion, the majority of students either agreed or strongly agreed that the medical staff listened carefully to them (89.5%) and answered their questions (91.2%). Moreover, 89.5% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the amount of time the medical staff spent with them. In terms of retention , over 58% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that the services they received at the Medical Clinic helped them stay enrolled at CWU and helped them maintain or improve their academic performance at CWU (58.8%). For these two items, it should be noted that only 5.6% of students did not believe the medical services they received helped them stay enrolled at CWU and only 4.8% did not believe the services helped improve or maintain their academic performance. The remaining responses were either Neither Agree nor Disagree (24.2% and 23.4% respectively) or No Response/Not Applicable (12.1% and 12.9% respectively). Additionally, 77.4% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that services received at the Medical Clinic helped improve the quality of their college experience (only 1.6% disagreed with the statement). Taken together, the data suggest that the majority of students believe medical services help them stay enrolled and maintain or improve academic performance and an even greater number site having access to medical services on campus improves the quality of their overall experience at CWU. The overwhelming majority of students (89.5%) either agreed or strongly agreed that they would return to the Medical Clinic in the future. Additionally, 87.9% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that if a friend were in need of services, they would refer them to the Medi- cal Clinic. In terms of overall satisfaction, 87.1% of students either agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the Medical Clinic for treatment.


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