3rd Rotary Quarter 16-17

CUBA - HEART OF SERVICE TRIP District Governor William (Bill) Dendy, along with a group of 24 Rotarians, Rotary Youth and family members traveled to Cuba on a service trip March 11-16, 2017.


Loading the bus after breakfast on day one

• Bicycle tour of Camaguey • Service Projects in Cespedes-

o Delivered medical supplies and equipment we brought in our luggage o Distributed clothing and other supplies to needy families that we brought in our luggage o Cleared a jungle overgrown with banana trees and underbrush and loaded with garbage dumped by locals for use as a park o Painted several buildings at a church camp and made plans to manufacture seats for playground equipment to be delivered on the next trip • Spent a day at the beach at a 5 star resort. Brought all the young people we had worked with along with us to experience something they had never done

The Rotaractors and Chris Levario and the Cubans we brought with us to the beach resort.

We refer to this as the most Cuban photo ever. When trying to take a picture of the sign and the horse drawn carriages, the car drove into frame as the picture was snapped.

Bicycle taxis in Cespedes at the beginning of our city tour.

Bill Dendy and the Rotaractors in airplane seats the morning of departure.

rotary5810.org On Fire, Baby!


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