King's Business - 1922-03

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THE K I N G ' S BUS I NE S S to their own land, and two young men frequently write and tell us how they are witnessing for the Lord and giving out tracts. The Printed Page Talks Recently a young convert who re­ turned to his home wrote to us asking us to send, him Christian literature, saying that there were at least a hun­ dred who were ready'to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, but that they needed some Gospels and Testa­ ments. This is only one case. When we learn that they are about to return to their homes, we supply them with tracts, Gospels and Moody’s “ Way to God,” in Spanish. We are expecting a great and glori­ ous harvest. We may not have the priv­ ilege of reaping the harvest, but we re­ joice anyway because we are assured that “ the tears of the sower and the songs of the reaper shall mingle to­ gether in joy bye and bye.” And Paul says, “ He that soweth and he that reap- eth are one.” Glory be to God! I won­ der there are not more who are willing to be sowers. Some one has said, “ God chooses those who are to do the sow­ ing, but any one can do the reaping.” God has given us some precious fruit in the County Hospital which we visit every week. Several young men are now rejoicing in their Saviour. During this new year, 1922, we are .expecting to see even greater results than here recorded and we trust that we may be able to possess even more land. Dear friends, may the dear Lord burden your hearts to pray for these converts and His Word; also that He may thrust forth laborers into the field. BIOLA CLUB, PASADENA BIOLA CLUB, Pasadena, Elwood P. Lyon, Superintendent. Splendidly located in the heart of the business district, a center^ for large Bible classes, evangelistic services and personal soul-saving work. IHE work at Pasadena is going [forward most successfully and |new friends are being raised up [ to support the work spiritually. The classes are well attended and increasing in interest. Dr. Frederic W. Farr, - pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Los Angeles, has the Mon­ day afternoon class, the members not only being enthusiastic workers in the class, but serving the Lord faithfully in their own churches as well. The

SPANISH WORK SPANISH WORK, Robert H. Bender, Superintendent. This includes Gospel meetings, Sunday School classes and house-to-house visitation among the fifty thousand Spanish-speaking people in Los Angeles and vicinity. n HAT hath God wrought!” When Mr. Horton asked us to take up the work of evangeli­ zation among the Mexicans, we told him not to expect conver­ sions very soon, as it would take time to overcome the ignorance and prejudice of the Mexican against the Protestant faith; also the people are of such a roaming disposition that it would be hard to follow them up. We must confess that we were very doubtful as to the success of the mis­ sion that was committed to us. Never­ theless, as we look back over our five years’ service with the Bible Institute, we can, of a truth, say, “ He hath done exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think,” and to Him be all the glory. We have talked to hundreds and perhaps thou­ sands of Mexicans, and many for the first time have heard the message of salvation from our lips. As our work is mostly among the men that work on the railroads, it has been our priv­ ilege to visit some twenty section houses scattered in different localities in Los Angeles County; also some eight Mexican colonies where no Christian work was being done, and after much prayer, patience and perseverance, we have to date some seven localities where we have groups of believers with whom we have Bible study classes. Some we visit every week and others, every other week. A transformation has taken place in their lives which neither education, Americanization nor the “ Social Gospel’Ms able to perform. The more we labor* among this people and the more we see of the effect of the Gospel, the more are we convinced that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes, and truly the visible results have been far beyond our expectation. But what of the results that are unseen that only God knows of? When He comes bringing His re­ ward with Him, we shall not be sur­ prised - to meet hundreds who have been redeemed through our having spoken to them or given them a Gospel or a tract. Hundreds have returned

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