

Forever 21 – Relay for Life fundraiser

Nicole Lapointe (center) with some of the many volunteers helping out May 31 for the Relay for Life Fundraiser. The group is called Forever 21 in memory of Lapointe’s daughter Alexia, who died at the age of 21 last year from leukemia.

There were plenty of people who came to the barbecue fundraiser at Déjà Vu, May 31. The group Forever 21, in memory of Alexia Lapointe, was raising funds for Relay for Life to take place in Plantagenet June 12.


memory of Lapointe’s daughter, Alexia, who died in 2014 from leukemia at the age of 21. Relay for Life is an initiative of the Canadian Cancer Society. Communities across the country gather to raise funds to go toward the fight against cancer. In

2014, more than $42 million was raised. For every dollar given, 65 cents goes toward themission, 31 cents goes toward fundraising, and four cents goes toward administration. The event raised $1,300. Prizes were donated by local businesses with baskets

Nicole Lapointe was heading up the Forever 21 group for the Relay for Life barbecue fundraiser May 31. The fundraiser and name of the group are in

ranging in value from$150 to $300. A draw for the baskets left seven lucky winners quite pleased. To date, Forever 21 has raised a total of more than $3,200, with that amount rising all the time. Déjà Vu has agreed to repeat the event making it an annual fundraiser. “We have somany people to thank,” said LaPointe. “Especially all of our sponsors. Without them, we couldn’t have pulled this off.” There will be a Relay for Life event in Plantagenet June 12, from 6 p.m. to midnight.

Fee-free garage sales

Voir grand.

Investissez dans votre avenir et dans celui de votre province avec les Obligations d’épargne de S»6U[HYPV=V\ZWV\]LaKVYTPY[YHUX\PSSLJHYJ»LZ[\UWSHJLTLU[Z„YÅL_PISLnKLZ[H\_K»PU[tYv[ compétitifs, garantis par la province.

Investissez là où vous vivez. Offertes du 1 er au 22 juin.

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3URÀWH]GҋXQWDX[GҋLQWpUrW concurrentiel pendant toute la durée de ces obligations.


Despite the threat of rain and some construction, people were out and about shopping at the dozens of garage sales happening throughout Hawkesbury, L’Orignal, and surrounding areas last weekend.The fee-free weekend had plenty of families taking advantage of the day, which turned out to be pretty nice. As many families did last weekend, Simone Lalonde, Robert Campeau, Jean Roger Lalonde and Jean Claude Lalonde spent the day talking to would-be customers and enjoying each other’s company.

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Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario

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