Kaddishel: A Life Reborn by Aharon Golub with Bennett W. Golub
Table of Contents | 13 |
Foreword to the Digital Release of Kaddishel | 5 |
Foreword | 15 |
Preface | 17 |
Acknowledgements | 25 |
Editor’s Note to Readers | 27 |
I. Ludvipol: a Modern Shtetl | 33 |
A Happy Childhood | 36 |
The Family Business | 65 |
Jewish Life | 72 |
The Zionist Dream | 79 |
Our Two-Year Reprieve | 87 |
II. The War | 99 |
On the Day of My Bar Mitzvah | 100 |
The Mass Murders and Our Escape into the Forest | 109 |
Rescued | 125 |
Boris Edelman’s Story | 133 |
For Us, the War Ends | 144 |
Legal Papers for Palestine | 152 |
III. A New Beginning | 163 |
New Life in Our Ancient Land | 164 |
The War of Independence | 190 |
The Beginnings of a Normal Life | 194 |
IV. Starting Again | 203 |
Another Country, a New Family | 204 |
The Yizkor Book | 220 |
The Bones of Ludvipol | 222 |
Reunions | 231 |
Chava’s Rosh Ha’Shana Card | 235 |
V. Reflections on My Life and Times | 239 |
Historical Background And Interviews | 251 |
I. Ludvipol: A Modern Shtetl | 252 |
II. The War | 284 |
III. A New Beginning | 338 |
Bibliography and Sources | 377 |
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