dark days, but even so the Christian who understands his Bible need not be down-hearted. The darkest day this world has ever known is sure to come sooner or later even if we do win this present war. But the Lord tells us ‘When these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift up your heads; because y o u r redemption draweth nigh.’ ” JULY, 1919 “ During the whole period of the Peace Conference, there was no men tion of a Bible’s being on the peace table . . . The peace pact is signed but where is the sign of peace? A knowledge of the Word of God would have made it very clear that no per manent peace could ever be main tained without the presence of the Prince of Peace. “ The Bolsheviks (name by which Communism was first known) an nounced that they have ‘abolished God’ in Russia . . . They are distribut ing their literature throughout this country.” MAY, 1920 School News: “ The practical work done by the students of the Bible Institute for the year 1919 is as follows: Neighborhood meetings, 69; open air meetings, 150; mission meetings, 159; shop meetings, 236; children’s meetings, 578; church services, 560; Bible readings, 236; classes taught, 3,284; other services, 443; Bibles distributed, 4,386; tracts distributed, 57,460; professed conver- ions, 1,879.” JANUARY, 1921 “ From time to time we receive . . . criticisms of our editorials. . . . Some of our critics think we should be less severe. . . . When we know the facts and see men carrying poison to kill our children, and carrying fire to bum them; putting up signs to direct them to the bridge that is down; tak ing devilish delight in denying God’s Word and God’s Son—-what shall an honest writer do in order that he may awaken people to the peril? Must he not cry aloud and spare not? ‘Beware of false teachers and preachers?’ ” MARCH, 1922 “ The BIOLA press (which publish ed the King’s Business until the press was sold) is one of the most favored departments of the Institute. When this department was organized, we covenanted with the Lord that all profits should be used in distribution of Bibles and other literature. . . .” SEPTEMBER, 1923 “ The October number of The King’s Business will assume a new dress. We are planning to increase its size (from 8 2/3 x 6 to 11 x 8) and to introduce
Photo of building from early period.
some new features . . . We desire to make it a magazine for the family. The present condition in the church calls for a more definite emphasis upon the great essentials of the Word of God, and for a deepened spiritual life in the home.” AUGUST, 1924 “ The opening days of the General Assembly of the Northern Presby terian Church (meeting in Grand Rapids, Mich.) were marked by the election of Dr. Clarence E. Macart ney, acknowledged leader of the Fundamentalists. T h e outstanding layman present was William Jen nings Bryan who presented the name of Dr. Macartney for moderator.” SEPTEMBER, 1925 “ ‘Resolved, t h a t Evolution as Taught in Our Schools is Unscientific, Unscriptural a n d Anti-Christian.’ This question was the subject of seven debates between that peerless ‘De fender of the Faith,’ Dr. W. B. Riley, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Minneapolis . . . and the advocates of evolution, chief of whom was Dr. Maynard Shipley, President of the Science League of America . . . re sulting in an overwhelming victory for fundamentalism at Los Angeles . . . then in Oakland, with the same result. . . . The scientist refused to go on to Portland and Seattle.” NOVEMBER, 1926 News Item: “ In order that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles may be enabled to work in closer harmony with Chris tian ministers a n d congregations throughout the country, arrangements have been made whereby a staff of experienced evangelists and Bible teachers shall conduct evangelistic meetings and Bible conferences in various churches. . . . The Institute has been fortunate in securing for this work several men whose experi ence and qualifications fit them in a peculiar way for this service . . . among them Rev. Britton Ross and Rev. Chas. E. Fuller. Mr. Ross was
the first student to graduate from the Bible Institute and Mr. Fuller is also a graduate . . . ” JUNE, 1927 “ For the first time in its history the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is mak ing a general appeal to the Christian public for funds. While Mr. Lyman Stewart lived, he very generously car ed for the needs of the work, and whenever there was a deficit, he usually wrote his personal check to meet it. Now1 that he is gone, the Institute must look to other friends to take his place.” SEPTEMBER, 1928 “ The Northern Baptist Convention, according to all the reports we have received, registered itself this year as overwhelmingly loyal to the old faith and the old Book. As one Fundamen talist minister who was in attendance said a few days ago: ‘Throughout the entire program I noticed but one message with any note of modern ism . . .” JUNE, 1929 “ Reputable scientists have estimat ed the energy said to be shut up in a single atom of matter . . . and have suggested the possibility of getting unlimited power if a way can be found to release this power . . . this has frightened a few people. But Dr. Millikan, who probably knows more about the atom than any other human being, says we are safe. No way will ever be discovered to release atomic energy, and consequently the world will not be blown up . . . But we know God can release it when the proper time comes.” MAY, 1930 “ . . . Many friends of the Bible In stitute are laboring under the delu sion that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is endowed. . . . Let us state positively that it is not endowed and never was. . . .” JANUARY, 1931 Reports from Radio Station KTBI (station owned by the Bible Institute (Jubilee Diary continued on next page)
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