with Clyde M. Narramore LITTLE MONSTERS Question. W e have some very dear Christian friends with whom we have wonderful spiritual fellowship, but they have two chidren whom my hus band and I affectionately refer to as “ the little monsters.” They are never disciplined, they like dessert, but . . . food’s not for them. They hate people, etc. By the time they leave, I’m in tears. M y husband and I are not intol erant,• we have five children of our own. W e believe in firm discipline, but you can see the effect these chil dren have on ours. W e never take our children to their home, and when I invite them to our home, I tactfully suggest that they get a sitter. How ever, so far, my efforts are fruitless. How can you “ tactfully” tell some one how to raise their children or how do you cope with a situation such as this? Believe me, I would surely welcome some Christian advice. Answer. I can well understand how you feel. And naturally there is no easy solution. However, the following suggestions will help. (1) When the children visit in your home, quietly but firmly explain to them what they may and may not do. (2) Check on them periodically while they are at your home. (3) Such children demand adult supervision. (4) If possible, explain your limits allowed, in the presence of the parents so that they will understand what you allow and do not allow. (5) Before and after your guests visit you, talk to your own children about such behavior. Show them that such poor conduct causes them to be disliked. In addition show your chil dren how they can help to bring group pressure to bear on the visiting children so they will feel the group control. (6) You may be able to set up some “ bounds” an “ out-of-bounds” — places which they may and may not play, and toys which they may and may not play with. (If possible put things away which you do not want them to touch.) (7) Mrs. Narramore and I have
sinneth against his own body” (I Cor. 6:18). To what extent then, should those who are really in love express their affection for each other? The Word of God does not give specific answers to each couple. But it does declare, “ . . . and whatsoever you do, do all to the" glory of God.” It is your responsibility to make sure that your conduct is hon oring to Christ. As a believer, you want God’s best. You want it now and in the future. Every man respects a girl who is pure and wholesome. Every girl respects a fellow who is clean and manly. Don’t fall into Satan’s trap and sell your soul for a shameful experience that will haunt you as long as you live. The greatest gift you can give your future bride or groom is your purity. OVERLY FLIRTATIOUS Question. W e have a Christian man in our church who is overly-flirtatious with women. I believe he does this to feel accepted. Answer. Undoubtedly there is some thing that causes this man to act as he does. In fact the causes may not be known to him at all. He would benefit from talking his problem over with his pastor. P.S. WTiy don’t you show him a copy of this magazine, pointing out this particular page?
found that Ethel Barrett’s new album of children’s records will hold the interest of any child and keep him quiet. You may secure information by writing me. Just ask for records. I shall be happy to send you informa tion about them. I do not have them for sale. Try the seven suggestions I have outlined, and you will find the “ Little Monsters” improving! WHAT ABOUT PETTING? Question. / never thought I’d be writ ing you, Dr. Narramore. But lately I’ve been having some problems with my parents. It’s about dating and pet ting (ligh t petting). Would you please discuss this? 1 hope you w ill under stand how I feel. Answer. God has given each of us a capacity to love — to give and receive affection. When a fellow and a girl like each other a lot, it is only natural and right for them to express it. But it has to be within limits. This is God’s plan. Indeed, God has fashioned the hu man body and has given man and woman wholesome passions of sex. But with this endowment, he com mands them not to engage in sexual relations outside of marriage. God warns, “ Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication
Dr. Narramore, (right) "talks it over" with Mr. Benjamin Weiss, co-director of the Nationol Educa tors Fellowship and King's Business columnist (see page 57). Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, is a psychologist ond Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in the United States.
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