King's Business - 1960-01

PersonalEvangelism By Benjamin Weiss Co-Director, National Educators Fellowship

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Y ou say, “ I want to witness for Christ. Where can I find some­ one who will stop long enough for me to give my testimony? I want to witness about the Saviour, but first I have to locate a sinner.” This is our real problem. You have probably ex­ perienced this obstacle yourself. You have a genuine desire to give a real witness to a real person, but how can you find the person who is interested. Peter found a beggar at the door of the church. Peter did not have silver or gold but he did have the wonderful Word of Life. That is what he gave to the beggar and the beggar was made rich. In our own day, there are all Oh, give me, Lord, Thy love for souls, For lost and wand'ring sheep, That I may see the multitudes And weep as Thou didst weep. Help me to see the tragic plight Of souls far off in sin; Help me to love, to pray, and Go to bring the wand'ring in. kinds of beggars. They do not need charitable gifts, but they do need the peace of God. We are God’s channel for the greatest Gift of all the Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit moved Philip, the evan­ gelist, and he was snatched from a very successful evangelistic meeting. Where was this man? He was riding in a chariot on a desert road. The man was reading from Isaiah. He knew not what he was reading, but Philip knew. As the Book of Acts says, “ Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.” This was as natural to Philip as talking about the weather. He was indeed a living witness.

On a hot day Jesus sat wearily on the stone rim of a well in Samaria. A woman came to draw water. Jesus told her about the living water that could quench her thirst for eternity. She not only believed Him, but she returned to town and brought to Him many people that she had told about Jesus the Christ. The highway of life is teeming with people thirsting for the true Water of Life. We have access to the Water for which they thirst. Where can you find someone to whom you can witness? Jesus gives the answer, “ Go out into the highways From off the altar of Thy heart Take Thou some flaming coals, Then touch my life and give Me, Lord, a heart that's hot for souls. O Fire of Love, 0 Flame Divine, make Thy abode in me; Burn in my heart, burn Evermore, till I burn out for Thee. — Eugene M. Harrison Ask the Holy Spirit to send you and to direct you to some dusty highway or to some tangled hedge of life where you can find someone to ask to come to the “ Great Supper.” Yes, it may be in a restaurant where you casually talk to a stranger. It may be on a bus, on a train, or on a plane as you ride along talking to fellow passengers. It may be a fellow workman at the job. Yes, you have the idea — it can be anywhere. The fields are white unto harvest. The laborers are few. Go out and give your testimony in the name of Him who died for you on the Cross. and hedges, and compel them to come in.” (Luke 14:15)



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