King's Business - 1917-09



The closing up of the year’s work has been exceedingly heavy, looking forward to the vacation time, part of the Bible Women taking their vacations in July and others in August. The items given below will give a glimpse of the extent of the work: Number of Bible Women, 19; Bible Classes held, 462; minimum attendance, 10,247; professed conversions, 34; surren­ dered lives, 58; reclaimed, 29; letters writ­ ten, 173; special interviews, 778. The item of “special interviews” deserves special mention, inasmuch as such an interview takes anywhere from one to three hours, calling for much time and prayer, but pro­ ducing most blessed results.

gone East.” Almost before the teacher had finished speaking, another lady spoke up and said, “She is not the only one, because I have been saved, too,” and then one after another testified; one, that the Lord was so much more real in her life; another, with tears, could hardly speak of the bitter trials the year had held for her, and which she felt she could never have endured but for the help she had received from the Word, of God. Another, that she had come into an assurance of salvation she had not dreamed possible to possess. And so the Word had been fruitful in many lives, and will go on bearing more and more fruit as these lives touch others.

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Oscar Zimmermann, Supt.

A FULL year’s service will soon be completed in San Francisco’s harbor. It has been a hard year, yet blessed of God and souls have been won through per­ sonal work and the meetings held. Per­ haps the clearest conversion was of a doc­ tor on board a Japanese vessel, another proof of the saving power of the gospel of Christ, and a source of great joy to the worker. In response to our knock at the door of the cabin occupied by the ship doctor, the call tp enter came. A very bright and well educated young man offered the worker a seat. Upon looking over the gospel presented him he answered our question as to his standing, that he wa* not a Christian, and in the course of con­ versation it developed that some time ago he was interested in Christianity, and thought himself a Christian, but his heart was not satisfied, and finally looking into Buddhism, he embraced that heathen doc­ trine. “I’m very satisfied; I know God now; it is everything I see around me. While searching after truth, with thirst of

soul, I went to see a Christian minister and placed before him certain questions ; one being ‘Who is God?’ Thè answers given were not satisfying and I turned to Buddha. The Buddhist priest gave me answers to every question and I’m satisfied.” Praying for guidance and wisdom, the worker was led to put Christ against Bud­ dha, and show from the Scriptures that Christ alone can claim Deity, eternal life, resurrection, and power to forgive sin and that Buddha was mere man, sinful, pow­ erless and dead. His question “Who is God,” was answered by the picture of Christ On the cross. Never was it so easy to preach Christ, as when the God of glory dying in the person of Christ, was “lifted up” to this hungry soul. Picture after picture was shown him of the Christ in the Scrip­ tures and finally he was brought to see the truth and opened his heart and accepted Christ as Saviour and King. His joy was great, and the Holy Spirit gave him an insight into the truth which he is so glad to possess.

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