The Man and His Call Matt. 9:9; Luke 5:27, 28
The man before us, like many other Biblical characters, had two names, Matthew (Matt. 9:9) and Levi (Luke 5:27). He was a publican or tax col lector. Under the Roman regime, such men were hotly hated. Ofttimes they were grafters. The Jews in particular despised them. According to the Roman system the collecting of the taxes in a certain vicinity was delegated to a cer tain individual. He had to turn over to the government a definite amount. What ever he could collect above this amount he could put in his own pocket. The opportunity for oppressive measures is evident. But Matthew, hearing the voice of Jesus, apparently lost all interest in business pursuits. His interest became centered in Christ. The man Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) was also a tax collector who had a similar experience to that of Matthew. The Man and His Gratitude Luke 19:29 So appreciative was Matthew of all that Christ had done for him that he must show it somehow. Thus he made Jesus a great feast. The word used in dicates a large banquet at which the guests were numerous. It is only used here and in 14:13. A feast is made for laughter and merriment. Matthew had something to be happy about and he wanted others to rejoice with him and so he invited Jesus and many of his old business associates and cronies to be present. True believers ought to want to do something for Jesus and for others who know Him not. Jesus and His Critics Luke 5:30-35 Noting that Jesus had part in the banquet which was attended by “ pub licans and sinners,” the scribes and Pharisees at once voiced a criticism against Him as much as to say that He approved of their sin and enjoyed it. These self-righteous devotees of the letter of the law and of their own self- made traditions, were utterly ignorant of Christ’s true purpose in coming into the world. How could He ever heal men in the realms of sin unless He came in contact with them? Christ came to save sinners is what Christ was emphasizing on this occasion. Those who are not sin ners (and, of course, there are none like this even though some like the Pharisees think they are) need no Sa viour. Furthermore, the scribes and Pharisees could not account for the joy of the feast. They felt that Jesus’ dis ciples were too happy, whereas theirs and John’s were more sober. Jesus in dicated that as long as He, the Bride groom, was present they had every rea son to rejoice. Shadows were past, the reality had arrived (33-35). Jesus and the Gospel Luke 5:36-39 By two homely parables Jesus showed the impossibility of trying to make the living truths of the gospel fit into the
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