Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

97. Name: Yasir Abul-Nasr Title: The Coverage of Arab News on Al Jazeera Satellite TV Channel According to its Policy and Code of Ethics Institution: University of Cairo Country: Egypt Date: 2012 Language: Arabic Abstract: The rise of Al Jazeera was a revolutionary change in Arab media, not only because it was the first specialized Arabic-language news channel but also because of the quality of content that distinguished it from state-run channels. Internationally, the channel attained many achievements especially after its coverage of the first US war on Iraq (Operation Desert Fox) in December 1998, followed by the 2002 war on Afghanistan and 2003 war on Iraq. This unprecedented coverage made Al Jazeera a unique source of information watched all over the world. Television stations and news agencies around the world started to quote it as their source and reference. This major development curbed the monopoly of Western media networks and provided viewers with a different perspective on news and events. In 2004, Al Jazeera’s new management issued a code of ethics and professional conduct and established a new entity for quality control to ensure that the output is inline with the channel’s professional guidelines. This study examines the impact of Al Jazeera’s code of ethics and professional conduct on its media discourse and coverage of Arab issues.


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