104. Name: Amira Sariyati Firdaus Title: ‘Network Newswork’ across ‘Glocal’ Spaces: A Study of the Integration of User-driven Networked Sources among Global and National News Outlets in Malaysia (Al Jazeera English and Malaysian Bernama TV) Institution: University of Melbourne Country: Australia Date: 2012 Language: English Abstract: This thesis introduces ‘network newswork’ as an emerging practice of news production, which allows journalism to capture the complex journalistic space that integrates user-driven networked informational sources into various stages of news production. Drawing upon a recent global-comparative turn in journalism studies, this thesis suggests a ‘glocal’ comparative approach to the research question by focusing its empirical analysis on expatriate and local journalists based in the same ‘locality’ of Kuala Lumpur, but working for news outlets that operate in distinctly different news spheres. The thesis explores how globalized informational flows are used within different ‘glocal’ journalistic settings, represented by global channel Al Jazeera English with its Kuala Lumpur broadcast centre and the newsroom of Malaysian national channel Bernama TV, as well as four other ‘transnational’ outlets. Based on semi-structured interviews with journalists recruited via a chain of referrals within professional networks of journalists, study findings are structured along a ‘hierarchy of influences’ model. Across global, local and ‘glocal’news spheres, commonalities are found in microsociological news practices. However, ideological macrosociological differences give rise to divergent rationales in journalistic evaluation of social media sources.
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