Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

149. Name: Indi Nisauf Fikry Sakila Title: The Role of Al Jazeera in Tunisia’s Political Transformation during the 2010-2011 Arab Spring Events Institution: University Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Country: Indonesia Date: 2016 Language: Indonesian Abstract: Since its establishment in 1996, Al Jazeera satellite channel has gained recognition for its leading coverage of news from and about the Middle East. Through its coverage of the events of the Arab Spring in Tunisia late 2010 and early 2011, the channel proved its crucial role as a leading and influential voice throughout the region. Using a media studies approach combined with historical research, this study explores the role that Al Jazeera has played in the transformative political events in Tunisia during in 2010-2011. The research findings showed that Al Jazeera’s coverage of these events served as a catalyst for the revolution that eventually overthrew the government of President Ben Ali. The study also concludes that Al Jazeera played a leading and very significant role in the political transformation of Tunisia. Beyond reporting on events as they happened, the Al Jazeera’s coverage inspired and mobilized a large segment of the Tunisian population. Through disseminating the message of the Tunisian uprising to its audiences throughout the region, Al Jazeera helped inspire revolutionary actions in Egypt, Syria, and other countries in the Middle East.


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