Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

176. Name: Rasha Khalil Halat Title: A Critical Discourse Analysis of “Palestine UN Bid” News Texts on the Websites of CNN, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya Institution: Beirut Arab University Country: Lebanon Date: 2018 Language: Arabic Abstract: This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis on thirty news items posted by three major networks: CNN International, Al Jazeera English and Al Arabiya English on their respective websites. The chosen news texts cover the “Palestine UN Bid”, and were posted in September 2011 when Palestine submitted its bid for the UN membership. The study adopts a qualitative approach. The purpose of the study is to go beyond the classical studies that focus only on analyzing the discourse structure of a limited amount of material, to uncover the different levels through which a media network can promote its ideology and influence its audiences. The findings indicate that the three different networks vary considerably in the choices they make at the macro level and micro levels. At the macro level, Al Jazeera reports more extensively on the topic than the other two networks combined. Al Jazeera also covers a far wider range of sub-topics related to the bid admission. At the micro level, the discursive and social structures with the mediating cognitive ones reveal considerable variations in the lexical choices made by the three networks.


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