Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

45. Name: Saleha Bishara Title: Orientations of International Television in Changing the Values of Muslim Society: Applied Comparative Study of Dialogue Programmes on Al Jazeera and Al Hurra Institution: University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences Country: Sudan Date: 2009 Language: Arabic Abstract: This study aims to identify the impact of television on Muslim society and the means used to change its attitudes. Nowadays, satellite television reaches every device in every household, which may cause cultural and social problems. The transmission of international television in this manner poses a threat to Islamic societies that are not prepared to confront the challenges of evolving communications technologies that violate their moral and cultural values and standards. The first chapter of this study sets the theoretical framework, introducing international media and defining its characteristics and methods, the evolution of international television until the advent of satellite broadcasting. The second chapter discusses the concept of values in various philosophical approaches. It also sheds light on the operating standards of international media in Muslim societies and the role these media play in changing social norms and values. The third chapter addresses the various forms of dialogue programmes such as interviews, symposia and debates. The fourth chapter provides an applied comparative analysis of Al Jazeera and Al Hurra satellite channels, focusing on their impact on Muslim society and its values and attitudes.


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