48. Name: Kamilia Jreij Title: Al Jazeera Arabic News Channel and its Relation to the Qatari Government Institution: Université de Nice Country: France Date: 2009 Language: French Abstract: This study examines the relationship between Al Jazeera satellite channel and the Qatari Government, which supports it financially. It tries to understand to what extent Al Jazeera placed Qatar on the international scene and whether the channel can still be objective in its media coverage. In this regard, the study aims at demonstrating that Al Jazeera plays a part in the Qatari audiovisual strategy. It tries to explain the agreement and convergence between Al Jazeera’s editorial line and the Qatari foreign policy on various issues. The findings show that, while Qatar supports the auto-financing of Al Jazeera, the channel is not completely independent, but enjoys a large margin of freedom. The Qatari interference with Al Jazeera passes mainly through the Chairman of the board, who is a member of the ruling family. The findings also show that, although Al Jazeera fights to preserve its professional journalism, it plays a strategic role for Qatar to balance its media strengths with the United States. In this regard, the programs of Al Jazeera reflect the Qatari views, but remain committed to objective and professional journalistic standards.
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