Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

66. Name: Eisa Al Nashmi Title: Al Jazeera on YouTube: A Credible Source in the United States? Institution: University of Florida Country: United States Date: 2011 Language: English Abstract: This is one of the first studies to look at how the American public reacts to news coverage from Al Jazeera satellite channel. The existing literature, which has been reviewed in this study, tends to paint a hostile picture of media effect in general and the Al Jazeera effect in particular. Against this backdrop, this study tries to find out how factors like attitudes toward and interest in the Arab world influenced perceived credibility of Al Jazeera. With the fast rising global use of YouTube for news and information, the aim of this study is to shed light on the prospects of YouTube in giving global media networks such as Al Jazeera a chance to compete with the U.S. media outlets. Using videos from both platforms, the study found that Al Jazeera was generally viewed as less credible than CNN. Most negative responses came from people with unfavorable attitudes toward Arabs and with high interest in Arab topics. However, the research participants reacted more positively as they showed more interest in using YouTube’s interactive functions when the videos were attributed to Al Jazeera.


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