C-P Flexible Packaging (Cont’d from Page 1) GreenStream sustainable packaging solutions, recent- ly introduced by C-P, is a line of flexible packaging op- tions designed for sustainability utilizing post-consum- er recycled content, recyclable materials, compostable materials, downgauged materials, and/or materials de- rived from renewable resources. The C-P GreenStream line of flexible packaging re- portedly includes options that reduce the amount of material entering the waste stream, as well as options that allow post-consumer recycled content to re-enter the stream of source materials. The C-P GreenStream portfolio includes flexible packaging materials with more than 40 percent post-consumer recycled (PCR) resin. C-P GreenStream PET flexible packaging is available with up to 100 percent PCR content—without sacri- ficing barrier performance, according to the company. It also reportedly maintains the same look and feel as flexible packaging sourced from virgin PET resin. And to address the inability to recycle multilayer film structures composed of dissimilar resins, C-P Green- Stream store drop-off recyclable flexible packaging features single-source construction, with all layers made from the same material. C-P GreenStream recyclable flexible packaging can be recycled at more than 18,000 store drop-off loca- tions across the United States. “To achieve our vision of providing packaging with less environmental impact, we developed this C-P GreenStream line of flexible packaging which address- es recyclability, compostability, renewable resources, source reduction and post-consumer recycled con- tent,” said Mike Hoffman, CEO of C-P Flexible. “As a member of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and the How2Recycle program, we are continually invest- ing in technologies that will minimize our impact on the environment.” C-P has also addressed the recent COVID-19 outbreak by offering its customers the ability to conduct press checks and approve graphics remotely. The virtual press check system was developed to allow manufacturers of these essential products to quickly conduct press checks remotely while comply- ing with the guidelines of the CDC. Using light booths, 4K webcam equipment and se- cure videoconferencing software, C-P Flexible Packag- ing’s virtual press check system eliminates the need for on-site press checks. Making It EASY To increase its high-definition and expanded gamut flexographic printing capabilities, C-P has invested in
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