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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 LA CITÉ PARMI LES MEILLEURS EMPLOYEURS Pour une 8e année consécutive, La Cité se retrouve parmi les meilleurs employeurs de la région de la capitale nationale selon la firme Mediacorp Canada Inc.. La Cité s’est démarquée par sa gamme d’avantages sociaux adaptés aux divers groupes d’emploi. Elle s’est également distinguée par la présence, sur le campus principal, d’une salle de recueillement, d’une cafétéria servant des menus variés et d’un centre de mise en forme proposant des équipements et classes Over the winter, conservation officers of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will be out talking with hunters about how to stay safe. Top safety tips include: never carry loaded firearms in or on a vehicle, including all-terrain vehicles; never shoot from or across a roadway; handle firearms with care and attention at all times; and never drink alcohol or take impairing drugs while hunting. When hunting on private lands, hunters must make sure they have the landowner’s permission. Those who wish to hunt with dogs must get specific permission for that. Conservation officers may ask to see hunters’ licences and to inspect firearms. Hunters should keep licences with them while hunting. – Francis Racine d’entraînement diversifiés. MINISTRY OFFERS HUNTING SAFETY TIPS
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Mayor Guy Desjardins of Clarence- Rockland cast the sole vote against approving this year’s budget for the counties. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) approved the 2019 budget during their February 20 session but it was not a unanimous vote. Clarence-Rockland’s mayor voted no for two reasons. “To accept a 3.8 per cent tax (increase) for the counties is not proper,” said Desjar- dins during a later interview. “I would have preferred to have three (per cent) or less.” Desjardins also thinks counties council could have kept the property tax increase lower, if it had chosen to draw on some of its reserves for funding some of the capital works allocations included in the budget rather than pay for them through the county tax levy portion. He argued that counties council could always “pay back” any money drawn from reserves during future budgets. “They’ve got reserves,” Desjardins said. “They could have borrowed the money if they had to.” The 2019 UCPR budget is $111,966,000. That includes all sources of funds, from senior government grants to user fees col- lected. The county levy portion of the budget is $45,074,900, which is about $2.4 million more than the 2018 counties budget tax levy. This means a 3.82 per cent property tax rate increase. For the average homeowner
Le maire Guy Desjardins de la Cité de Clarence-Rockland a voté contre l’approbation du budget 2019 des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR). M. Desjardins s’oppose à l’augmentation du taux d’imposition de 3,8 % et estime également que les CUPR devraient utiliser une partie de leurs fonds de réserve pour certains projets d’immobilisations cette année, au lieu d’utiliser l’argent de la taxe foncière générale. —archives
this will mean an increase of $41.11 on the counties portion of the property tax bill. Mayor Robert Kirby, current UCPR warden, expressed satisfaction with the budget during
an interview. “I’m glad that the municipalities kept what we call the ‘counties gas tax’,” TBJE8BSEFO,JSCZ SFGFSSJOHUPUIFNJMMJPO UCPR/municipal fund.
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