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RÉDACTION EAP nouvelles@eap.on.ca UN HOMME ARRÊTÉ POUR CONDUITE AVEC FACULTÉS AFFAIBLIES été saisi pendant sept jours. Il doit compa- raitre devant la Cour de justice de l’Ontario à L’Orignal le 20 novembre prochain. Agression sexuelle
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Une plainte concernant un automobi- liste a mené à des chefs d’accusation de conduite avec facultés affaiblies portés contre un homme de Casselman. Le 29 septembre dernier, vers 20 h 30, un agent de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario, détachement du comté de Russell, a répondu à une plainte concernant un automobiliste DJSDVMBOUTVSMBSPVUF&TUÆ$BTTFMNBO À la suite de l’enquête du policier, Mathieu Godard, 28 ans et natif de Casselman, a été accusé de conduite avec facultés affaiblies - concentration d’alcool dans le sang (80 et plus) et conduite avec facultés affaiblies - alcool et drogues. Son permis de conduire a été suspendu pour 90 jours et son véhicule a également
Le 18 septembre, l’Unité criminelle de la municipalité de Russell de la Police pro- vinciale de l’Ontario (OPP) a arrêté François Coallier, en lien avec une agression sexuelle qui aurait eu lieu dans un bureau local de réflexologie le 11 septembre dernier. Il doit comparaitre devant la Cour de justice de l’Ontario à L’Orignal le 9 octobre. Les policiers tentent d’identifier d’autres victimes possibles de crimes similaires. Toute personne ayant des renseignements concernant l’enquête est priée de commu- niquer avec le sergent-détective Marius Iordache marius.iordache@opp.ca, 613-443- 4499, 1-888-310-1122; ou avec Échec au crime, 1-800-222-8477.
Don’t even think about another mu- nicipal amalgamation plan is the message from Prescott-Russell to the provincial government. The mayors for all eight municipali- ties in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) gave unanimous support, August 28, for a resolution from McKellar Township to Premier Doug Ford, about any ideas he or other members of the Progressive Conservative government may have about a repeat of the Harris govern- ment’s 1998 municipal amalgamation project. “The (Harris) Conservative govern- ment forced many municipalities to amalgamate on the guise they would become more efficient, effective, save money, lower taxes, and ultimately reduce the provincial deficit,” stated the McKellar resolution. “There has never been a valid evidence-based study that supported these outcomes, and forced amalgamation actually ac- complished just the opposite.” The 1998 amalgamation process resulted in the creation of Champlain Township, which includes the villages of Vankleek Hill and L’Orignal with West Hawkesbury and Longueuil town- ships; Clarence Township merged with the Town of Rockland to create the City of Clarence-Rockland; and the combining of both Alfred Township and the Village of Alfred with North Plan- tagenet Township and the Village of Plantagenet formed Alfred-Plantagenet Township.
A 28-year-old was recently charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, while driving down Route 800 East. — stock photo
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
in Glengarry Township. A lot of concerns he’s heard from people in the region focuses on the new Canada- U.S.-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), which will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, if CUSMA can get final approval from all three national governments. “There’s no real transparency,” said Fey. “There’s no clarification on what that will mean for farmers.” The main point of controversy about CUSMA is the increased access to the Ca- nadian market for some U.S. dairy products. During recent national media interviews, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated his government will protect the supply manage- ment system with “no more concessions” to American agricultural interests.
Daniel John Fey retired from the Canadian Armed Forces after almost 27 years. But he wants to keep on serv- ing, so he is running as an independent candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell in this month’s federal election. “In my military career, I got used to serving my country,” said Fey, 55, regarding why he decided to put his name on the voting ballot. “It’s a hard habit to break.” Fey retired from the Canadian Armed Forces after more than 26 years. He and his wife, Catherine, lived in Ottawa at the time. They wanted a quieter lifestyle, which led them to the rural area around Alexandria
Daniel John Fey a pris sa retraite après presque 27 ans dans les Forces armées canadiennes, mais il ressent toujours le besoin de servir les gens, alors il se présente maintenant comme candidat indépendant dans Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. — photo fournie
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