no woman wants to face. A battle ensues in Chrissy as she searches for peace, the very thing she rejects. Conflicted in mind, body and spirit, she continues to fight and raise her children the best she knows how seeking God in the Devil’s playground. Through Blind Eyes is a story about one woman’s journey, a story that has no ending but just is.
CHRISTINE MAYO Mother and Sharing Her Story
Through this whole journey I never stopped looking up!
In the Book, “Through Blind Eyes” By Christine Mayo & Bobbie Bean
Chrissy Marlow suffers a tremendous loss as a young child. She spends the rest of her days holding on to anything and anyone she loves, whether or not that love is reciprocated. She journeys through life surrendering to the will of her oppressor, subjecting her body to multiple partners, multiple beatings, and multiple heartaches. As if the external infliction was not enough, her body turns on her, forcing her to face a demon
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