Training systems
Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04
6.1.2 Ensure (at a minimum of once every 12 months) training providers’ delivery of GWO standards and modules, compliance with certification requirements and the policy and objectives are reviewed by senior management 6.1.3 Ensure (at a minimum of once every 12 months) internal audits are conducted by personnel with an auditing background and with no conflicting interest in the area(s) being audited, to ensure quality and the objective evaluation of all system activities
6.1.4 Have in place documented procedures describing how to handle documents and records in relation to the approval, review or identification of changes and revisions, access, etc
6.2 Documentation and Training Records
6.2.1 Upon completion of training and within no more than 10 business days, the training provider must ensure the following records of training are uploaded into WINDA:
course participant WINDA ID
b. applicable GWO standard or module (course code)
completion date of standard or module training
d. previous course valid until date (only applicable to refresher modules training)
6.2.2 In addition to the above, the training provider must keep verifiable matching records of:
a. course participants’ first name and last name, as written in passport or other official documents
daily attendance of all participants
name(s) of instructor(s) delivering course
site of training conducted (location and country)
e. course participant assessment form for the course delivered
f. participant acknowledgement of performance assessment
g. if gap training has been delivered on base of merit, documentation of pre-existing qualification
training setting as per section 7.2 (see below)
6.2.3 These records must be stored for at least two years and three months from the completion date for training records that require a refresher training every 24 months, and a minimum of five years and three months for training records that do not require a refresher training
6.2.4 The maintenance, updating and backup of systems to keep these records must be carried out in accordance with applicable legislation and standards concerning data storage and IT systems security
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