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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
Rose Gravelle was very surprised to receive a call the morning after the Minto CHEO Dream of a Lifetime draw. Russell Resident Rose Gravelle never expected to win the lottery; the odds were so long as to be almost impossible. She buys tickets for the Children’s Hospital of &BTUFSO0OUBSJP $)&0 %SFBN)PNFMPUUFSZ to support the organization, not to win. But after the draw, she received a call that would change her and her son’s lives. “I was in disbelief,” Rose said. “I actually DBMMFE.S$IBNQBHOF UIF71PG$PSQPSBUF BOE $PNNVOJUZ %FWFMPQNFOU BU $)&0 because I thought for sure it was actually a fraud call. I apologized for that later, believe me.” The ticket she purchased had been drawn GPSUIFQSJ[F8JUIPWFS PG UJDLFUTBMFT GSPNBMMPWFS0OUBSJP IBMG the money raised was now hers, over “I’m still in disbelief. It almost feels like I’m playing Monopoly,” she said. “Unfortu- OBUFMZ XJUI$07*% JUNBLFT JUBCJUNPSF difficult; you can’t go out and celebrate with friends and family, you can’t travel…or at least we don’t feel comfortable doing that.” “I think it would be a bit better if I could book a trip somewhere.” %FTQJUFIFSEJTCFMJFG TIFIBTBGFXUIJOHT she’d like to do with the money in mind, even XJUI UIF$07*%QBOEFNJDPWFSTIBEPXJOH things. Aside from sharing her winnings with her son, who was also listed on the ticket, she’d like to help her daughter find somewhere to settle down. “My first plan is to help my daughter buy a house, a down-payment for her,” she said, “and then maybe some travelling. I haven’t done a whole lot of thought.” She didn’t have any plans to move away when we spoke, saying, “I’m very happy where I am right now, I have no plans for moving. Maybe take it easy a little bit, but like I say, it’s still hard to really say because JUIBTOUTVOLJO/PQMBOTSJHIUOPX to uproot or anything like that. Maybe a cottage.” She mentioned how smooth the process XBTBGUFSIFSXJOXBTDPOàSNFE$)&0SFBMMZ stepped up to the plate, she said, and made it known that they really do care. i&WFSZCPEZXBTTPBXFTPNFXJUI UIF communication, with the funds transfer, with the checking in if everyone was okay and if we believed it yet. Absolutely so professional, it was awesome, and genuinely caring,” she TBJEi&WFOUIFCBOLT PGDPVSTFCFDBVTF the two of us split the money there were two different financial institutions, it was really HSFBU&WFOBGUFS*DBMMFE.S$IBNQBHOFu (SBOEEBVHIUFS&WFSMFFXBT GFFMJOH UIF love as well, receiving her own prize from $)&0BMPOHTJEFUIFNPOFZ i5IF MJUUMFTMPUI UIBU&WFSMFF JTIPMEJOH JTBHJGUGSPN$)&0 XIJDIXBTBCJHHFSIJU than the cheque.” Rose said that although the ticket sales NBLFFWFSZUIJOHQPTTJCMF $)&0 SFBMJ[FT that winning such a huge prize can be a shock to people, and they support families through every step of the process. i&WFOUIPVHIXFBSFDIBOHJOH$)&0TMJGF through the money we donate through the tickets, they realize how much this is going to change our life.”
Rose Gravelle, sa petite-fille Everlee Gravelle, Marc Gravelle et Kara Gravelle montrent le chèque fantaisie overside, de taille appropriée à l’argent qu’ils ont gagné -photo Rhonda McIntosh
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