Normal - ticket type with at least a two-business day notice and not more than 14 days’ notice. No Response - ticket type used when one or more utility operators have not responded to mark their underground utilities. This ticket is classified as a high priority ticket and is only sent to the utility operators that have not responded to the previous request. This type of ticket is sent out with a zero hours’ notice and should be responded to as soon as possible. Recall - ticket type used when the excavator needs to modify information given on a previous ticket or notify utility operators that the locator did not mark the area correctly or completely. This ticket is sent out as a two-business day notice. • If the scope of work, driving directions or marking instructions change, it must be canceled and re-issued as a new ticket. Survey/Design - ticket type used when no excavation will take place but the excavator needs to know where the underground utilities are so that design work can be implemented. This ticket is sent out as a two-business day notice. A separate ticket request is required prior to any excavation. Update – Updates can be requested for two different reasons: To extend the life of the ticket to stay in compliance with Texas Administrative Code Chapter 18, which regulates Oil & Gas members (Update), or, because the locators’ marks are no longer visible and need to be remarked (Update and Remark).
• Both ticket types go out as an Update ticket; however, the description of the requests are slightly different.
» When a request is made for the underground utilities to be remarked, we send the ticket with the following verbiage: “Update & Remark – (previous ticket number)”. » When a request is made only extend the life of a ticket without a request to have the under-ground utilities remarked, we send the request with the following verbiage: “Update – (previous ticket number)”.
• Both the tickets are sent out with a two-business day notice.
Cancellation - informational ticket type used to notify utility operators that a previous ticket has been cancelled and needs no further action. The reason for the can- cellation, previous ticket number, and/or further instructions can be found in the addi- tional information section of the ticket. This ticket is sent out with a zero hours’ notice. Within minutes from the time a ticket is completed, all utility operators with under- ground utilities in the excavation area will receive a notification from the one-call center.
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